sas if statement

Sas if statement

Continues processing only those observations that meet the condition of the specified expression.

Again, once you've read your data into a SAS data set, you probably want to do something with it. A common thing to do is to change the original data in some way in an attempt to answer a research question of interest to you. In the last lesson, we learned how to use assignment statements and functions to add some information to all of the observations in the data set. In this lesson, we will learn how to use if-then-else statements to add some information to some but not all of the observations in your data set. In this lesson, we investigate a number of examples that illustrate how to change a subset of the observations in our data set.

Sas if statement

The ELSE statement is optional. It can be used to execute a statement if the condition is not true. Sometimes, we might need to execute more than one statement when the condition is met. Sign In. Members' area. Master SAS in 30 days! Start Your Free Training Now. The data set above contains 10 students and their exam results. DO Group. The DO group starts with the DO statement.

One rather tedious solution would be to check for all possible "typings" sas if statement the words "failed" and "incomp" for incomplete. Denise 4. He has over 10 years of experience in data science.

Task 1 : Suppose you are asked to exclude some of the observations in a SAS data set from an analysis that you are generating. For example, you want to exclude all IDs whose values are greater than Deepanshu founded ListenData with a simple objective - Make analytics easy to understand and follow. He has over 10 years of experience in data science. How behind the scene it works.

The subsetting IF statement causes the DATA step to continue processing only those raw data records or those observations from a SAS data set that meet the condition of the expression that is specified in the IF statement. That is, if the expression is true for the observation or record its value is neither 0 nor missing , SAS continues to execute statements in the DATA step and includes the current observation in the data set. If the expression is false its value is 0 or missing , no further statements are processed for that observation or record, the current observation is not written to the data set, and the remaining program statements in the DATA step are not executed. SAS immediately returns to the beginning of the DATA step because the subsetting IF statement does not require additional statements to stop processing observations. When you create SAS data sets, use the subsetting IF statement when it is easier to specify a condition for including observations. The two statements work differently and produce different output data sets in some cases. The most important differences are summarized as follows:. The subsetting IF statement selects observations that have been read into the program data vector.

Sas if statement

Executes a SAS statement for observations that meet specific conditions. Global Statements by Category. Array Reference Statement. Assignment Statement. BY Statement. CALL Statement. Comment Statement. DATA Statement. DO Statement. DO Statement, Iterative.

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Get latest articles from SASCrunch. Sign in with X. There is nothing really new here. By the way, when making comparisons that involve character values, you should know that SAS considers a missing character value a blank space ' ' to be smaller than any letter, and so the good habit of programming for missing values holds when dealing with character variables as well. One thing though — when we do, we have to be extra careful to make sure that our conditions are mutually exclusive. Sign in with Google. The condition always involves a comparison of some sort, and the action taken is typically some sort of assignment statement. Let's go crazy and program a bunch of them! It can be used to execute a statement if the condition is not true. An if statement can be followed by exactly one else statement or by many else-if statements.

Continues processing only those observations that meet the condition of the specified expression.

Review the output from the print procedure to convince yourself that the values of the character variable status have been assigned correctly. By the way, when making comparisons that involve character values, you should know that SAS considers a missing character value a blank space ' ' to be smaller than any letter, and so the good habit of programming for missing values holds when dealing with character variables as well. In particular, note that logical comparisons that are enclosed in parentheses are evaluated as true or false before they are compared to other expressions. DO: Iterative. By including an else statement, we can tell SAS what to do if the condition following the IF keyword is false. All Rights Reserved. Sign in with Google. SAS will keep evaluating the if-then-else-if statements until it encounters the first true statement. Do not sell my personal information. This matches patterns that occur at the beginning of a string. First, inspect the program to make sure you understand the code. All of the examples we've looked at so far have involved performing only one action for a given condition. Launch and run the SAS program.

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