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Home Gallery. Saree cleavage photo gallery Malvika Sharma very glamorous and sexy photoshoot. Celebs I adore ideas in bollywood, celebs, bollywood Bollywood Actress Hot Photos. Indian Actress Hot Pics.

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Suma Poojari. Bhavani Sre.


Justin Timberlake had it right all along. Case in point? Her recent birthday celebrations , where Arora went all-out seductress in a backless mini dress, held together by slim chain straps. But if you think bare backs are all drama and no elegance, let Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Deepika Padukone prove otherwise in their ultra-feminine takes on the trend. Ditto with Alia Bhatt and the sheer corseted back of her Georges Chakra strapless gown, flourished with a bow on top. Katrina Kaif , on the other hand, would have you opt for an embellished high neck ensemble with broad straps. And then there is Ananya Panday , whose style hack for you is to balance proportions with a back cutout. Take her black Sabyasachi pussybow top with Victorian sleeves for instance—business in the front, party in the back. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.

Saree clevage hot

By: Pinki Sun, 02 July It is an oft-repeated fashion statement that a saree is the most sensual garment ever. The secret behind making a saree look sexy is choosing the right blouse to go with it. We are no more in the times of closed necks and stiff collars, showing a bit of cleavage is now quite acceptable and even favourable.

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Vidya Balan is one of the finest actresses in Bollywood and he style truly represents the traditions of India. She is an ardent saree lover and can be seen in beautiful sarees for all the events.

Shanu Suresh. Sanjana Anand. Sruthi Hariharan. Saree cleavage photo gallery Malvika Sharma very glamorous and sexy photoshoot. Ramesh Thilak. Srabanti Chatterjee. Reeshma Nanaiah. Karan Johar. Shwetha Chengappa. Home Gallery.

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