Roblox face codes

Discover a huge selection of freshly updated Roblox face ID codes, with free face IDs and more available in our Roblox face database. Roblox faces are some of the most iconic Roblox avatar assets available on the market, roblox face codes.

Whether you're a fan of Roblox or not, you're bound to have seen the trademark characters somewhere - whether on TV, or the merch that's ubiquitous on shop floors. The simple face, the big arms, the straightforward design But if you assumed all these characters look the same, think again. There are plenty of customisable elements to the game, from outfits to hairstyles to faces. And with regards to that last one, we've decided to share a few codes for faces that you can use today. Some are cool, and some are just plain wacky. If you're bored with your current Roblox figure, or if you just fancy a change, then keep reading.

Roblox face codes


Crazybot It's a huge list and we doubt you'll get through them all, but have fun! Bacon Face.


Roblox is a big platform for user-created games. Users in this platform have the freedom to create their own games and Roblox faces sharing with public. In the past 3 years, Roblox has matured a lot in all aspects. It has introduced new items, new game concepts, and many more things. You can create almost everything in Roblox including avatars, clothing, structures, landscapes, etc. Roblox faces are part of the purchasable body parts. These faces have different emotions and patterns.

Roblox face codes

Looking for a fresh face to add to your avatar in experiences that offer character customization such as Bloxburg , Brookehaven , Roblox High School 2 , etc? We've got you covered! Continue reading for our list of the best face codes that you can use to update your fashionable look. Keep in mind, however, that these codes will not unlock and add faces to your actual Roblox inventory, they are only redeemable within certain experiences! Chill - Free. Smile - Free. Man - Free. Knights of Redcliff: Paladin - Free.

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Blizzard Beast Mode. It's a huge list and we doubt you'll get through them all, but have fun! Awkward Grin. Crimson Laser Vision. Sign up to be the first to know about breaking stories and new series! Daring Blond Beard Face. Email address Sign Up. Visit our video game release schedule , or swing by our hubs for more Gaming and Technology news. Emerald Laser Vision. Emotionally Distressed Zombie. Blue Eyeroll. Bad Dog. Email to a friend.

Whether you're a fan of Roblox or not, you're bound to have seen the trademark characters somewhere - whether on TV, or the merch that's ubiquitous on shop floors. The simple face, the big arms, the straightforward design But if you assumed all these characters look the same, think again.

Blue Eyeroll. It's a huge list and we doubt you'll get through them all, but have fun! Emerald Evil Eye. Egg Crazed. Blue Amazeface. Hungry for more gaming? Blue Rock Star Smile. Desert Commando. Blue Starry Sight. Egg on your Face. More like this. Awkward Grin.

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