robin young justice

Robin young justice

Domestic Television. Despite its title, it is not a direct adaptation of Peter DavidRobin young justice Dezago and Todd Nauck 's Young Justice comic series, but rather an original story set in the DC Universe with a focus on teenage and young adult superheroes. The series follows the lives of teenage superheroes and sidekicks, namely RobinKid FlashAqualadSuperboyMiss Martianand Artemisrobin young justice, who are members of a fictional covert operation group. Within the show, "the Team" is a group of young heroes attached to the famous adult team, the Justice Leaguerobin young justice, but operating outside of the bureaucracy that constrains the more established superhero team.

This article is about the current Robin, for the original Robin, see Nightwing. Sometime between and Tim Drake became the third Robin and Dick Grayson's successor as well as Batman's new protege and partner and a member of the team. Dick Grayson's student is Tim Drake. In "Happy New Year", Robin helped to defeat Clayface alongside the newly revealed members of the team including himself. After the mission is over Robin talks with Nightwing showing their good relations until Robin states that Nightwing is too protective by assigning him to the Gamma Squad for their next missions to hunt rogue aliens known as Kroloteans who had been stealing Zeta technology. Robin was assigned to lead the soft team "Gamma" squad by Nightwing believing that Robin was ready to lead though he had some doubt in himself. Gamma squad was quickly discovered and battled their way into retreating the Kroloteans back to there Zeta World who also plan to destroy the base, but the team must save the hostages below the base in just a little over three minutes.

Robin young justice

Robin real name Tim Drake is the third and current Robin. Between and , he was a member of the Team , but he resigned and began operating under a new, covert team under the command of Batman. On February 24, , he rejoined the Team. As of , he is a member of the Outsiders. In many ways, Tim Drake's personality is similar to his predecessor, Dick Grayson : he is determined to succeed in missions and is willing to take risks to do so. However, Tim takes his heroism far more seriously than Dick and does not have the natural confidence that Dick did, despite his natural affinity for leadership. Robin is a young man with a lean build and short black hair. Robin's attire is similar yet distinguished from the first Robin 's, in that he wears a red and black suit with three yellow rectangular fasteners on the front and a stylized yellow "R" symbol on the left side of his chest that acts as a holographic communication projector. Where the first Robin suit had short sleeves, the current suit covers Robin's entire arm and has stealth-tech capabilities. He also wears black gloves and cape, black on the outside and yellow on the inside, with a jagged pattern at the end. He covers his eyes with a black domino mask.

Max DC Universe Infinite. The series debuted with an hour-long special on November 26,

On Earth, super-heroes have been around for less than a decade, but the Justice League already has sidekicks. The Team specializes in covert missions and reconnaissance. Throughout the series, the plot remained fresh while respecting the source material. For the last four years, Robin has endured a brutal physical training regimen that was put together specifically for him by the Dark Knight himself. This, combined with his years of training as a circus acrobat, has made Robin as physically strong, fast and agile as possible for a youth his size and weight.

Animation launches its latest series, "Young Justice" on Friday, November The two-part pilot, "Independence Day," is scheduled to air at 7 p. Set on Earth, "Young Justice" follows the lives of alternate versions of DCU's greatest teenaged superheroes and sidekicks, who have been assembled by Batman as members of a covert operation team. McCartney , who plays Robin, is primarily known as a singer-songwriter. A former member of the boy band Dream Street, he has since released three solo albums. His latest album, "Have It All," will be released on December

Robin young justice

Interestingly, as they run afoul of Ra's al Ghul's institution once more, we actually see that Damian Wayne's already a Robin, but with a much darker destiny. Last season, Damian was seen as a baby with Talia, who made it clear he would never be offered up to Bruce for training like the comics. She felt he's the replacement for her father as the Demon's Head, and as we see him once more, that looks to be the case. It happens when Cheshire comes after Sensei, looking to end the League after they and the Light used her and almost killed Artemis' crew. Cheshire's bitter and trying to protect her family, only for Sensei to dismantle her with ease.

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June 27, Archived from the original on March 27, August 15, What's New, Scooby-Doo? Robin was assigned to Tau Squad, and worked alongside Wonder Girl. The teens enjoyed their time together, training and sharing a single adventure before they were given their first official mission. February 16, Genre: Action. On April 6, , it was announced there would be a six-issue digital-first miniseries Young Justice: Targets , which acts as a follow-up to Young Justice: Phantoms. Season 3. Robin was praised by not only his teammates but by his good friend Nightwing in a more brotherly way then a professional.

The Robin who has been put through the emotional wringer the most after taking on the mantle of the Boy Wonder isn't Dick Grayson but Tim Drake. After becoming Robin in the early '90s, Tim lost his father during the crossover event Identity Crisis , his girlfriend Stephanie Brown during " War Games " and several of his closest friends and fellow Titans in the line of duty.

In the episode "Welcome to Happy Harbor", Robin mentions that the Justice League had been forced to abandon their headquarters in Happy Harbor after its location was compromised by supervillains, which is revealed in issue No. Retrieved April 25, Nightwing praised the young hero, but before Robin could explain that his role was limited, Captain Atom notified the Team that the United Nations was under attack. Archived from the original on January 22, Notes: Each pellet used correlates to an AP of Fog]. In the face of their combined passion and conviction, the adults had but one option. Archived from the original on October 9, Any travel through the DC Multiverse could potentially bring the player characters into contact with this version of Robin. Archived from the original on July 13, The World's Finest. First thing Batman taught me. June 27, Sometime between and Tim Drake became the third Robin and Dick Grayson's successor as well as Batman's new protege and partner and a member of the team. The heroes were paired off with another into twenty squads: one member would run interference against weapons guarding the disruptors, allowing the other to get close enough to plant the virus. Between and , he was a member of the Team , but he resigned and began operating under a new, covert team under the command of Batman.

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