robert beck movies and tv shows

Robert beck movies and tv shows

Emmerdale newcomer Harry is played by soap and TV actor Robert Beck, who has had numerous roles across other shows including Hollyoaks and Coronation Street.

Robert Beck » Filmography. Main Details. Most popular first Newest first Oldest first. List Gallery Table. Shadow and Bone TV Show.

Robert beck movies and tv shows

Beck's novels were adapted into films. Maupin was born in Chicago , Illinois. He spent his childhood in Milwaukee , Wisconsin , and Rockford, Illinois , until he returned to Chicago. When his mother was abandoned by his father, she established a beauty shop and worked as a domestic hairstylist to support both of them in Milwaukee. She earned enough money working in her salon to give her son the privileges of a middle-class life such as a college education, which at that time was difficult for the average person. Slim attended Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama , but having spent time in the street culture , he soon began bootlegging and was expelled as a result. According to his memoir, Pimp , Slim started pimping at 18 and continued until age The book claims that during his career he had over women, both black and white, working for him. He said he was known for his frosty temperament and for staying calm in emergencies, which, combined with his slim build, earned him the street name Iceberg Slim. When verbal instruction and psychological manipulation failed to keep the women compliant, he beat them with wire hangers; in his autobiography he concedes he was a ruthless, vicious man. Slim had been connected with several other well-known pimps, one of them Albert "Baby" Bell, [5] a man born in who had been pimping for decades and had a Duesenberg and a bejeweled pet ocelot. Throughout his pimping career, Slim, who was known as Cavanaugh Slim, was noted for being able to effectively conceal his emotions, something he said he learned from Baby Bell: "A pimp has gotta know his whores, but not let them know him; he's gotta be god all the way. In , after serving 10 months of solitary confinement in a Cook County jail, Maupin decided he was too old for a life of pimping at the age of 42 and was unable to compete with younger, more ruthless pimps.

US Celebrity News. Actor Home Fires [Drama, ] Show times He was on the show for 78 episodes in

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Robert Beck II Actor. He has been married to Jane Danson since 10 December They have two children. Contact info Agent info Resume.

TV 60 min Drama, Romance, Sport. Half-brothers Lucas and Nathan Scott trade between kinship and rivalry both on the basketball court and in the hearts of their friends in the small, but not so quiet town of Tree Hill, North Carolina. Votes: 86, PG min Adventure, Drama, Mystery. A civilian diving team is enlisted to search for a lost nuclear submarine and faces danger while encountering an alien aquatic species. Detective Ambrose employs some unusual tactics and a deep capacity for empathy to solve his cases. His boundless dedication is driven by his dark past, leading him into powerful and often dangerously intimate bonds with his suspects.

Robert beck movies and tv shows

Beck's novels were adapted into films. Maupin was born in Chicago , Illinois. He spent his childhood in Milwaukee , Wisconsin , and Rockford, Illinois , until he returned to Chicago. When his mother was abandoned by his father, she established a beauty shop and worked as a domestic hairstylist to support both of them in Milwaukee. She earned enough money working in her salon to give her son the privileges of a middle-class life such as a college education, which at that time was difficult for the average person. Slim attended Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama , but having spent time in the street culture , he soon began bootlegging and was expelled as a result. According to his memoir, Pimp , Slim started pimping at 18 and continued until age The book claims that during his career he had over women, both black and white, working for him. He said he was known for his frosty temperament and for staying calm in emergencies, which, combined with his slim build, earned him the street name Iceberg Slim. When verbal instruction and psychological manipulation failed to keep the women compliant, he beat them with wire hangers; in his autobiography he concedes he was a ruthless, vicious man.

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Story Saved. Director: Alexandre Moors. Shadow and Bone TV Show. Writer: Dick Wolf , Rene Balcer. Expand below. This article is about the American author. A popular audiobook adaptation of his autobiography Pimp: The Story of My Life , narrated by Cary Hite, was released by Urban Audiobooks in , and has become very popular due to the realistic portrayal talents of the voice actor. Slim's skills as a storyteller cannot be overstated; even at his crudest, he still spins riveting yarns. Beck married Diane Millman Beck in Coronation Street 5. The Pod Play Podcast Series. Long-time viewers of the soap will remember him has Gavin Ferris, a partner of Bernice Blackstock. The video will auto-play soon 8 Cancel Play now. The hip-hop writer Mark Skillz wrote that when Beck began work on Pimp , "he made two promises to himself: no glamorizing his former life and no snitching.

Robert Beck is an English actor. In , he featured occasionally as criminal Jimmy Dockerson in Coronation Street. In , he began appearing in the Channel 4 soap opera Hollyoaks as Fergus Collins.

Fans may remember a much-loved character called Liam Connor was killed off on the show in this year. April 30, aged 73 Los Angeles, California , U. They claimed in their suit that Robert Beck died penniless. Actor Coronation Street [Soap, , ] Show times Actor The Upper Hand [Sitcom, , ] Archived from the original on February 25, Long-time viewers of the soap will remember him has Gavin Ferris, a partner of Bernice Blackstock. Writer: Dick Wolf , Rene Balcer. UK version of the long-running U. Director: Robert Quinn , Bruce Goodison.

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