resonance cascade in real life

Resonance cascade in real life

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The Black Mesa Research Facility also simply called Black Mesa is a fictional underground laboratory complex that serves as the primary setting for the video game Half-Life and its expansions , as well as its unofficial remake, Black Mesa. It also features in the wider Half-Life universe, including the Portal series. Located in the New Mexico desert in a decommissioned Cold War missile site, it is the former employer of Half-Life 's theoretical physicist protagonist, Gordon Freeman , and a competitor of Aperture Science. While the facility ostensibly conducts military-industrial research, its secret experiments into teleportation have caused it to make contact with the alien world of Xen , and its scientists covertly study its life-forms and materials. In a catastrophic event known as the "Black Mesa Incident", an "anti- mass spectrometer " experiment conducted on Xen matter causes a Resonance Cascade disaster that allows aliens to invade Earth , and is the catalyst for the events of the series. Half-Life was critically acclaimed for its storytelling and level design. At the time, the integration of narrative in the form of interactive cutscenes and NPCs was considered groundbreaking for a first-person shooter.

Resonance cascade in real life

Cascade resonancely. Or I wish I could grow the balls to rebel, but I'll probably just end up living in City Whoa now, the resonance cascade, the Combine invasion and the appearances of the G Man are all very different events. Also, I believe the Combine simply enslave the human race instead of allowing them into the military and there's no way anyone would be able to choose to get involved with the G Man, it seems like you don't find him, he finds you. In the event of resonance cascade I'd keep on living my life and be glad I live in the UK, however in the event of Combine invasion I probably would just become one of the enslaved many. Please Log In to post. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Something went wrong. Try again later.

Namespaces Page Discussion. Toggle limited content width. The Black Mesa Research Facility also simply called Black Mesa is a fictional underground laboratory complex that serves as the primary setting for the video game Half-Life and its expansionsas well as its unofficial remake, Black Mesa.

No recent wiki edits to this page. A resonance cascade is a generally disruptive and physically dangerous energetic event which tends to rip open holes in the dimensional fabric of reality. Gordon Freeman inadvertently initiated a resonance cascade when he placed a crystal from the dimensional border world of Xen into an anti-mass-spectrometer within the Anomalous Materials department of the Black Mesa Research Facility. The resonance cascade devastated the facility and allowed the Nihilanth -the controlling intelligence of the enslaved Xenian armies- to launch an invasion of Earth. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users.

By Adi Robertson , a senior tech and policy editor focused on VR, online platforms, and free expression. Adi has covered video games, biohacking, and more for The Verge since But a recent chronicle of her early time in the Resistance has sparked renewed interest in her background and achievements. The story itself is worth hearing in full. Alyx Vance is a leader of the human resistance against the Combine as well as the daughter of Eli Vance, a former physics researcher at Black Mesa.

Resonance cascade in real life

Gordon Freeman , caused the machinery to undergo a catastrophic malfunction, culminating in the Black Mesa Incident. According to notes from Freeman's desk, every object has a set resonance. When excited by specific forms of energy of the correct frequency, it will resonate, and the amplitude of the vibrations will grow. If crystals such as those from the Border World Xen resonate beyond a certain threshold, it can open dimensional rifts and portals. This allowed the crystal to resonate at a frequency much stronger than what it should have. While appearing to have been a contained event, it did have repercussions across the entire planet. The Resonance Cascade was the cause of not only the inter-dimensional rift but also all following events.

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This article is about the quantum event. Logo of Black Mesa. The Resonance Cascade was the cause of not only the inter-dimensional rift but also all following events. Bring back the main forum list. Cancel Create Link. OCLC View history Talk Black Mesa Research Facility. Categories : Fictional laboratories Video game levels Video game locations Fictional elements introduced in While at first, only basic Xen wildlife, such as Headcrabs , and Barnacles emerged through the rift, other intelligent creatures, such as Vortigaunts , were also sent to the other side by the Nihilanth , the leader of the Xen forces.

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Horror Sci-fi Half-Life. A resonance cascade is a generally disruptive and physically dangerous energetic event which tends to rip open holes in the dimensional fabric of reality. Donate to the OverWiki. While appearing to have been a contained event, it did have repercussions across the entire planet. The Black Mesa Research Facility had been researching the properties of certain anomalous materials. Change language. While seeming to be a contained event, it did in fact have repercussions across the entire planet. Download as PDF Printable version. Something went wrong. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Gordon Freeman inadvertently initiated a resonance cascade when he placed a crystal from the dimensional border world of Xen into an anti-mass-spectrometer within the Anomalous Materials department of the Black Mesa Research Facility.

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