Relaxing fish tank

Federal government websites often end in, relaxing fish tank. The site is secure. Most research into the health benefits of human-animal interaction has focused on species that interact physically with humans, such as dogs.

Aquariums can be so relaxing. The sound of gently flowing water and the slow movement of beautiful fish calms the soul. But this peace can come to an end if your fish start fighting or if they're high maintenance and tough to raise. The types of fish you choose play a key role in how peaceful your aquarium is. Let's look at the top nine fish if keeping fish for relaxation is your goal. A great place to start is with the neon tetra.

Relaxing fish tank


The effectiveness of social robots for older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Younger participants 10—13 years had a significantly greater response to the intervention than older participants 14—17 years, relaxing fish tank. Strategies to improve the evidence base of animal-assisted interventions.


When I first set up my first home aquarium in the house, I began finding myself somewhat dazed just watching the fish interact within the tank and found myself oddly soothed by the sound of the water and filtration system. Naturally, I was curious at this point, if my fish tank was calming me down or reducing my stress and if fish tanks are suitable for reducing anxiety? I had to do a little research. Here is what I learned in the process. The sound of running water has been known to soothe, calm and reduce stress for years. Fish tanks re-create this same sound of running water which in return can provide health benefits including reduced stress, anxiety and reduced agitation. Take the comparison of owning an at-home aquarium and the health benefits of fishing as a worldwide sport. Fishing has always been an escape for me. Hearing and seeing the natural sounds and sights of the water are just a significant mood boosting and calming stimulus to me.

Relaxing fish tank

A peaceful aquarium can help put you at peace and allow you to unwind and destress at the end of the day. Adding zen fish tank decor can enhance that experience. For example, rather than having ten different items in your tank, you might have one large focal point surrounded by greenery. Another option is to create a calming diorama where you can lose yourself.

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More broadly however, research has identified that robotic animals may have positive effects on well-being outcomes, such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety in older adults [ , ]. Objectives To explore current evidence relating to the psychological and physiological benefits of interacting with fish in aquariums. Thus, it is possible that non-live alternatives to fish aquaria, such as videos, robotic fish, or computer simulations, may benefit human well-being while eliminating risks to both the human and the animal. Firstly, bias may have been introduced by limiting included studies to those published in the English language. Overall, by using a systematic approach and adhering to PRISMA guidelines [ 77 ], this review provided a more rigorous and reliable synthesis of the research evidence, while aiming to meet the standards of transparency and reporting widely expected in other areas of health-related research. In study 2, different aquarium exhibits were compared. Outcomes assessed every minute during procedure. Some studies have shown no relationship, or a negative relationship, between keeping companion animals and physical or mental health outcomes [ 15 — 20 ]. Additionally, while the study controlled for personal characteristics, work status and work stresses, it is unlikely that all possible confounders were considered; health-related behaviours and pre-existing medical conditions for instance, were not assessed but are likely to impact self-rated health status. Data Availability All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Of these two studies, one used methods appropriate to the study aims and took steps to ensure rigor and trustworthiness [ 52 ]. Only aquarium group underwent significant reduction.

A beautifully decorated aquarium full of glittering Rosy barbs, elegant Angelfish, and shoals of sparkling Neon tetras makes a stunning centerpiece in any home. Before buying a tank, research the correct tank size for your fish.

Palmer R, Custance D. One paper reported that the fish of two participants died during routine fish care and were replaced [ 86 ], but did not specify whether the cause of these deaths was known, or whether steps had been taken to prevent future mortalities. The majority of studies used home aquaria containing between one and nine fish, with the exception of one study which used a gallon aquarium with over 25 fish, installed in a hospital waiting room [ 63 ]. Table 4 Weight of evidence assessments for psychological outcomes. Acta Psychiatr Scand. Based on preliminary searches, research in this area was anticipated to be both limited in quantity and varied in design. Given the particularly low strength of evidence relating to keeping fish as companion animals, there is also a need for large-scale observational research to better explore the effects of home aquaria ownership on well-being; this could be achieved through the incorporation of questions about companion animal guardianship into existing longitudinal studies [ 19 , 28 ]. Examining the impact of a brief human-canine interaction on stress and attention. Int J Work Heal Manag. The findings indicated that tropical exhibits were preferred over temperate ones, and vertebrates were preferred over invertebrates; higher levels of biota were also preferred, but preference for species richness differed according to whether the exhibit was tropical or temperate see Table 3 for further details. Loneliness Riddick [ 60 ] used the UCLA Loneliness Scale to assess whether loneliness improved for participants who were given a fish versus those who received visits from the researcher, or had no intervention. Table 5 Weight of evidence assessments for physiological outcomes. Participants watched aquarium continuously for minutes.

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