Regular show muscle man

He is also one of the groundskeepers of the Park.

These characters appear in the American animated television series Regular Show , created by J. Quintel for Cartoon Network. The series revolves around the daily lives of two initially year-old friends, Mordecai a blue jay , and Rigby a raccoon. They work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means. This is much to the chagrin of their boss Benson a gumball machine and their coworker Skips a yeti , but to the delight of Pops a lollipop. Their other coworkers include a dog -nosed green humanoid nicknamed Muscle Man real name Mitch Sorrenstein , and a ghost nicknamed Hi-Five Ghost real name not mentioned in the show. Mordecai voiced by J.

Regular show muscle man

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! He is one of the groundskeepers at the Park. Muscle Man was voiced by Sam Marin. Although initially antagonistic in earlier seasons of the show, Muscle Man eventually becomes a protagonist in later seasons. Muscle Man is a humanoid who has green skin complexion and a pudgy build. He bears brown bangs for hair and also wears a long-sleeved grayish-blue shirt, dark gray pants, and black shoes. Muscle Man is a very erratic, arrogant, impatient, aggressive and immature. He often pulls pranks and jokes around. He is obsessed with eating wings and enjoys telling "My mom! Although he can be rude due to his ego, he is ultimately shown to be polite and caring toward his friends. Despite appearing out of shape, he possesses near superhuman levels of strength, stamina, and durability.

Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. The Unicorns also appear in the online game "Fist Punch 2" as enemies and boss. However, they re-appear in "House Rules", coming across Mordecai and Rigby again.

After getting fired by Benson, Rigby goes into the mentor program and Muscle man turns out to be his mentor, things don't go to plan. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Regular Show. Animation Action Adventure. Director John Davis Infantino.

You can help clean up this page by correcting spelling and grammar, removing factual errors and rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise, and moving some elements when appropriate. It first aired on March 5, The episode starts with Muscle Man announcing a party at "Fry it Up! However, everyone coincidentally has plans that same day Mordecai and Rigby planning on hanging out with Margaret and Eileen , Skips , Pops , and Benson going lawn bowling, and Hi Five Ghost going to see his brother Low Five Ghost graduate from the police academy, with no choice so Muscle Man grudgingly attends Fry it Up alone, thinking that no one likes him. At Fry it Up, a miserable Muscle Man orders some food, while two nearby agents from Mommy Monthly go over to Muscle Man and tell him that he could be a gut model for their magazine because he looks exactly like a pregnant woman. Muscle Man isn't sure at first, but then he remembers that everyone at the park didn't go to Fry it Up with him and was still feeling resentful towards them, so he then reconsiders. The next day, Muscle Man tells all of the groundskeepers that he is quitting his job at the park to become a gut model.

Regular show muscle man

It first aired on October 30, As usual, Benson is handing out job assignments for the day only to be interrupted by Muscle Man. He hands Benson a list of stuff he wants to do. When questioned by Rigby, Muscle Man states that after seeing Dr. Henry , he declares "he leaves this world tonight" and that it'll happen at Wing Kingdom at 7pm, much to Fives ' horror. He only says that he can't say more and leaves to get his papers in order. At first, Rigby declares it to be a prank, with Fives and Skips agreeing with him: however, everyone is shocked when Death arrives and reveals he's in on Muscle Man's plan upon mentioning to confirm, stating it's his time. Everyone soon becomes convinced that Muscle Man will die that night and decide to help him finish the bucket list. Upon arriving at Muscle Man's trailer, the group receive a call from Dr. Fives tries to get him to tell him of Muscle Man's current standing, Dr.

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Recently viewed. Despite its attempts to stop them wounding Donny G in the process , it is defeated when Donny G plays Muscle Man's tape and causing the radio station to explode while the trio escape although Donny G had somehow survived it. The Capicola Gang is a trio of evil anthropomorphic animatronic animals from The Fun Fun Zone, a place that became corrupted after the Park workers won a pair of fuzzy dice which, unknown to them, had uncut diamonds in them for Pops' birthday in the episode "Fuzzy Dice". After Mordecai and Rigby unsuccessfully try to get rid of them, they call the baby ducks to help them and they fight in their giant forms. After defeating them all with dream catchers, the mother hugstable appears, but they manage to defeat it using a large dream catcher under Skips' van. He was first introduced in the Season 8 episode "The Dream Warrior", where he sent a nightmare alien to go inside Pops' dream and question him about his location. He first appeared in "Skips vs. It turns out that the entire episode was a vision for Benson who is at a Halloween store and he asked Racki on wishing to throw the best Halloween party ever. They reappear in the episode "Steak Me Amadeus", in which it is revealed that they survived the confrontation and plotted revenge on the park workers for foiling their evil crime and sold fake Amadeus Dollars to Pops, which Mordecai used to pay for a date with Margaret at the titular restaurant. Although he can be rude due to his ego, he is ultimately shown to be polite and caring toward his friends. Ross and his timenado. Pops tends to dress and act like he is in the late 's to early 's and utilizes technology and slang from that time period. Main Characters of Regular Show. The Coffee Bean also appears in an online game "Fist Punch 2" as an enemy and boss and the Translator appears an online game "Battle for the Behemoths" as the master of Snowballs.

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Death also has a son named Thomas, a year-old demon voiced by Michael Dorn who can speak, although Death does not know this. Main Characters of Regular Show. Benson and Pops see this and they both scream and run into different rooms. Pops has also been shown to have immense strength on several occasions, despite his slim build. Muscle Man does throw his shirt at Mordecai in " Caffeinated Concert Tickets ," but that may have been an accident rather than a direct confrontation. They got married in the season 6 finale " Dumped at the Altar ". They are among the villains revived in "Exit 9B". He first appears in "The Last Laserdisc Player". The gang and Earl was able to stop Pops speeding, but ended up benefiting Pops' strength and Earl realizes he's ready. Pops Maellard later revealed to be Mega Kranus; voiced by Sam Marin is a cheerful and somewhat naive lollipop man who resides at the house in The Park and always talks in a whiny-like tone. They make a cameo in "Bad Kiss", seen when Mordecai and Rigby travel back in time. When Rigby tries to follow Muscle Man's instructions to un-jinx himself on his own he releases Ybgir from a bathroom mirror.

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