reddit weird stories

Reddit weird stories

He was in reddit weird stories right seat but on the wrong plane, and he jumped up and ran across the tarmac — simpler time, small airport in Spain. The front yard is almost enclosed by pine trees. I kept hearing weird noises, so I decided to go outside and see what it was. We shined a light on the trees and were greeted by many, many pairs of eyes, reddit weird stories.

Pro tip: Don't read this post alone or at night or alone at night. My sister and brother were ALSO in the car, but they saw nothing, and we couldn't see anyone else around. There was a very strange, distinct handprint on the mirror. I lived alone and she was the only adult that had been to my house in about two years. We each placed our handprints on the sides of the mystery handprint for reference and neither look anything like the mystery print. I still have no idea how it got there. After putting on my other pair of pants, I went to put my belt back on, but the belt was gone.

Reddit weird stories


I went inside to grab a soda, but decided to look for his cat, who I hadn't seen all day. I then started roasting particular actors who had played the Doctor, especially Colin Baker. I swear, I couldn't open the door, reddit weird stories.


He was in the right seat but on the wrong plane, and he jumped up and ran across the tarmac — simpler time, small airport in Spain. The front yard is almost enclosed by pine trees. I kept hearing weird noises, so I decided to go outside and see what it was. We shined a light on the trees and were greeted by many, many pairs of eyes. There had to be at least 20 owls just hanging out in the trees. My grandpa had an interesting way with birds, and we had a very close bond. That was the only time the owls had ever been to our house. Then my Mastiff passed away last year. I was home alone, brushing my teeth, when I heard the familiar sound. There they were — owls in the trees.

Reddit weird stories

Here are some of the craziest Reddit stories of In June , after entering the water for the second dive of the day, lobster diver Michael Packard was swallowed by a whale. Michael Packard's response to a much-asked question of what the whale's tongue felt like, was that he "couldn't really tell" because he was in a dry suit, and the whale's mouth was filled with water that surrounded him. A video of an attempted armed robbery in South Africa went viral on Reddit when drivers, Leo Prinsloo and Lloyd Mtombeni, of a cash-in-transit vehicle managed to escape the planned robbery—"Mission Impossible" style. Leo Prinsloo, a former police sniper-turned-private security escort, was praised on Reddit after the viral video showed his nonchalant reaction to the attack. A worker's text resignation went viral on Reddit after being shared to the popular "Anti Work: Unemployment for all, not just the rich! The post read: "Quit my job last night, it was nice to be home to make the kids breakfast and take them to school today!

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You win the bout by being the first to 5 points. Our hallway was just a round hallway, and I could see the bathroom door and my parent's bedroom door. It always makes me uneasy to think about. No one else was in the room and I spent a good 10 minutes looking for it. This back area was filled with new shipments. We dated for a year before I moved back home which is why he and his girlfriend back then broke up. There was partially eaten food on all the tables, and bags and purses in the booths. Daniel Radcliffe was in a play called Equus at the time, in which he appears naked. It was like they all just vanished at once. One day, I was browsing Reddit and somebody painted a picture of their 'sleep paralysis demon. We laughed and thought nothing of it.

Pro tip: Don't read this post alone or at night or alone at night. My sister and brother were ALSO in the car, but they saw nothing, and we couldn't see anyone else around. There was a very strange, distinct handprint on the mirror.

Not even anything happening, just a bunch of random, jumbled-up numbers all over the place. I came around the bookcase to see what he was looking at and I started saying how boring Doctor Who is. I knew it was her because she slept in a big purple t-shirt that night, but she was completely still. I think she either slept with me all night or I stayed up all night watching TV to pacify myself. We each placed our handprints on the sides of the mystery handprint for reference and neither look anything like the mystery print. My sister and brother were ALSO in the car, but they saw nothing, and we couldn't see anyone else around. As a kid, I wasn't surprised to find it there, but years later I still have no clue how the toy helicopter actually got underneath the pillow. The owls keep watch. I check the scorecard and it says I've won One day, the two of us are walking to the bowling alley and had to cross a street at a crosswalk. She was a massive Harry Potter fan, and we had gone on a holiday to New York. I remember the ferry we took, I remember what we ate for lunch that day, etc. So I drew a picture of a naked wizard on my girlfriend.

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