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Damitman60 04 Aug


Veronica loved her father. Her parents divorced when she was nine years old and she was devastated. Her father moved out and Veronica lived with her mother and older brother. She was not emotionally prepared for her parents divorce and she did not understand why it had to happen at all. Veronica was very sad and cried a lot. She thought her mother was mean and unreasonable and could not understand why her mother was abandoning her father and treating him so poorly. Veronica was to be angry with her mother throughout the next fifteen to twenty years. Veronica carried on with life, trying to make friends in school and live as best she could under the circumstances. She visited her father every other weekend and was excited to go on these visits, for she loved her father very much.

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By Boris Sollazzo. Supersex , which premiered on Netflix on March 6, tells the story of Rocco Siffredi, who came from the small coastal town of Ortona, Italy to become one of the most famous porn stars of all time. Siffredi sat down with THR Roma to discuss porn going mainstream, his struggles with sex addiction and why Supersex benefits from being told from a female perspective. How did you react when you first learned that a television series would be dedicated to your life? Finally it is understood that I have done something beautiful and unique. Until now, no one in porn has had this luck, been described as an icon, accomplished such ambitious work while being considered someone who brought light to their world. Whether it is beautiful or dark, this light and this story, who knows, who can say? And they found my story to be an unprecedented tale. Porn has always been stigmatized.

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