rambutan calories

Rambutan calories

Rambutan is a tropical fruit teeming with nutrients and antioxidants.

The rambutan has been likened to a sea urchin with its bright, spiky shell and egg shape. However, underneath its tough exterior, rambutan has a creamy, sweet flesh that's rich in antioxidants and contains vitamins and minerals. Rambutan makes a perfect grab-and-go snack or exotic new food to share with friends. One cup of canned rambutan, packed in syrup and drained g provides 72 calories, 1. Rambutan is a good source of vitamin C, manganese, and copper.

Rambutan calories

The name rambutan originally comes from the Malaysian term for hair. When peeled, rambutans resemble lychee and longan fruits. Its translucent white flesh is wonderfully juicy, sweet and creamy. Rambutan has a single seed placed in the centre of the flesh. The fruit is nutritious and offers several health benefits. For example, rambutan helps to lose weight, improves digestion, and provides excellent illness resistance. Rambutan is a good source of vitamin C, B3, minerals, and natural sugar. It includes sufficient phosphorus and calcium too. In addition, Rambutans can benefit the skin, digestive system etc. The nonclimacteric tropical fruit is native to Malaysia. However, they have just lately begun to spread around the globe. Apart from their distinctive look and delicious taste, they also have several fantastic health advantages.

Rambutan got its name from the Malay word for hair because the golf-ball-sized fruit has a hairy red and green rambutan calories. Rambutan contains several beneficial ingredients.


The rambutan has been likened to a sea urchin with its bright, spiky shell and egg shape. However, underneath its tough exterior, rambutan has a creamy, sweet flesh that's rich in antioxidants and contains vitamins and minerals. Rambutan makes a perfect grab-and-go snack or exotic new food to share with friends. One cup of canned rambutan, packed in syrup and drained g provides 72 calories, 1. Rambutan is a good source of vitamin C, manganese, and copper. The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA.

Rambutan calories

Rambutan is a red-skinned fruit with soft spikes that has a delicious taste similar to lychee. Peeling a rambutan fruit reveals a translucent flesh that tastes sweet and creamy with a hint of sourness. Rambutan fruit also has a lot of fiber which makes it good for your digestive health. Although you can safely eat the raw flesh of rambutan fruit, you should avoid the peel and seeds. Rambutan seeds contain a poisonous compound and are not recommended to eat. Even though some studies show that rambutan peel contains antioxidants, it is also not recommended to eat it. In this article, you will find out about the many benefits of tropical rambutan fruit.

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You can eat rambutans in a day. In contrast, the lychee fruit is comparatively smaller. They convert iron from food to a readily absorbable form. Here are some of the main health benefits of rambutan and how to eat it. You ought to remove the skin before eating it. Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Learn more about its benefits, nutrition facts and uses. Promotes Healthy Digestion. Rambutan Nephelium lappaceum is a fruit native to Southeast Asia. Studies suggest that vitamin C can improve iron absorption. Studies suggest that rambutan helps improve immunity.

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Ketsa S, Paull RE. The phosphorus in rambutan helps lower the load on the kidneys. However, reliable information on the proper roasting procedure is currently unavailable. However, its peel and seeds may be toxic when eaten raw or in very large amounts. Rambutan is low in calories, yet rich in water and fiber. In addition, they contain almost identical calories, fibre, and sugar content. Additionally, it contains reasonable amounts of fibre. Rambutans are very similar to lychees. In the same way eating patterns higher in fruit support bone retention, they may also prevent kidney stones. To do so, slice the middle of the outer skin with a knife, then squeeze from the opposite sides from the cut. Apart from their distinctive look and delicious taste, they also have several fantastic health advantages. Exotic Fruits to Expand Your Palate.

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