quotes from the quaran

Quotes from the quaran

Islamic quotes hold profound wisdom and serve as a source of inspiration for millions of people around the world.

Posted by Ahmed Abdulla Quotes. It was sent down by Allah, through his angel Jabreel, who revealed the chapters over the course of 23 years to Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him. What Makes the Quran Perfect? These quotes from Quran will inspire and motivate you. There are some jaw dropping quotes from the Quran that leave you in awe the first time you read them, for me this was a powerful one. I believe this is human nature, we unknowingly do this as a defense mechanism to protect our ego. Sometimes we delude ourselves so much we begin to believe our own lies.

Quotes from the quaran

In these times when we struggle, it can help to remember the ultimate source of comfort that comes with having faith. To put our trust in God and His guidance and surround ourselves with a support network that reaches out to us and gives us encouragement. In Islam, the Quran, in particular, holds wisdom from Allah SWT that offers us hope and guidance in all aspects of our lives. In this blog, we will delve into the context and meanings of some of its verses, uncovering timeless messages that uplift our spirits and provide us with the tools to overcome our difficulties. This verse reminds us to have hope and confidence during times of struggle. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. It comforts us with hope, reminding us that our struggles are not permanent and that better times will come. The verse encourages us to turn to Allah SWT for guidance, strength and answers, assuring us that when we call upon Him sincerely, He will respond to our prayers. In essence, this verse is a powerful reminder of the divine support available to us, especially during times of difficulty and adversity. It offers us comfort and hope, reminding us of the source of ultimate support and assistance: Allah SWT.

Allah hath chosen for you the true religion; therefore die not save as men who have surrendered unto Him.

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam. It is a collection of chapters or surahs of different lengths and each surah is further subdivided into lines, or verses, which are called ayahs. The Quran offers guidance on all aspects of life, including faith, economics, ethics, social obligations, and everything in between for all humans, especially Muslims. This quote from the Quran about hope reminds us that losing hope and giving in to sadness is not the solution. It acknowledges the inevitable challenges we face but emphasizes the importance of resilience and a steadfast spirit. And to accomplish that, we need a balanced emotional approach in which acknowledging difficulties is combined with an active effort to overcome them. Do not worship except Allah, and to parents do good and to relatives, orphans, and the needy.

The holy book of Islam, the Quran, provides a wealth of knowledge and inspiration in addition to being a source of divine guidance. Its verses provide insightful perspectives on a range of topics, including motivation, achievement, happiness, kindness, and overcoming obstacles like despair. These sixty passages from the Quran cover a broad spectrum of topics and provide direction, motivation, and hope for different facets of life. These verses serve as a helpful reminder of the profound lessons found in the Quran, providing insight into the way to spiritual development and a more contented life. The Quran provides guidance on life, happiness, and kindness, encouraging mindfulness and compassion.

Quotes from the quaran

Posted by Ahmed Abdulla Quotes. It was sent down by Allah, through his angel Jabreel, who revealed the chapters over the course of 23 years to Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him. What Makes the Quran Perfect? These quotes from Quran will inspire and motivate you. There are some jaw dropping quotes from the Quran that leave you in awe the first time you read them, for me this was a powerful one.


The entire army of Abraha was destroyed for attacking the Kaabah. Be guardians of your prayers, and of the midmost prayer, and stand up with devotion to Allah. Who is better than Allah for judgment to a people who have certainty in their belief? Theirs will be an awful doom. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good. Chapter — Surah Adiyat Quotes. Those who have gone astray will not harm you when you have been guided. Abraha an Aksumite army general began a military expedition against the Quraysh of Mecca. Surely Allah loves those who are equitable. And if he remembers me in his heart, I also remember him in my heart, and if he remembers me in assembly I remember him in assembly, better than his remembrance , and if he draws near me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by the cubit, and if he draws near me by the cubit I draw near him by the space covered by two hands.

The Holy Quran remains the sole source of authentic authority for Muslims, and the miracles and inspiration that come from its holy words are endless and boundless. In the spirit of holding steadfast to hope and empowerment, here are 10 of some of the most inspiring verses from the Holy Quran:.

This beautiful Quran quote highlights the beauty of duality and the significance of relationships. The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion of right and wrong. Choose not disbelievers for your friends in place of believers. Those unto whom We gave the Scripture recognise this revelation as they recognise their sons. How can ye reject the faith in Allah? Chapter 42 — Ash-Shura Quotes. And be patient for the decision of your Lord, for indeed, you are in Our eyes. Chapter 32 — Surah As-Sajdah Quotes. But only seeking the countenance of his Lord, Most High. All rights reserved. And those who, when they do an evil thing or wrong themselves, remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins - Who forgiveth sins save Allah only? I wish to learn more about Allah Reply. Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance.

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