quanta magazine

Quanta magazine

Quantum algorithms can find their way out of mazes exponentially faster than classical ones, at the cost of forgetting the paths they took. A chemical trick for making oxygen can sustain whole underground ecosystems, quanta magazine. In steganography, an ordinary message masks the presence of a secret communication. Melanie Mitchell says digital minds will never truly be quanta magazine ours until they can make analogies.

Illuminating basic science and math research through public service journalism. Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent online publication launched by the Simons Foundation to enhance public understanding of science. Why Quanta? The best traditional news organizations provide excellent reporting on applied areas of science such as health, medicine, technology, engineering and the environment. We strive to complement and augment existing media coverage. Our work often resembles journalistic alchemy — we mash together the complexities of science with the malleable art of storytelling in an attempt to forge a precious new alloy.

Quanta magazine

Not the actual death of the magazine, just someone getting upset about lack of depth in an article. They simulated some aspects of wormhole dynamics under the crucial assumption that the holographic correspondence of the Sachdev—Ye—Kitaev model holds. I seriously doubt that many of it's readers have sufficiently deep knowledge of QC to properly understand the Sachdev—Ye—Kitaev model. Whatever that is. Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not disputing that the Quanta article is factually deficient - although I don't have the relevant specialist knowledge to understand why. I am disputing that this marks the "death" of the magazine. Veen on Dec 2, parent next [—]. Most people don't understand the underlying science, so they rely on science journalism to distill and explicate complex topics without simplifying and distorting to the point they lose any relationship with the truth. In this case, the writer has failed in their task; they've written a load of nonsense that actively undermines a reader's ability to comprehend the topic—in short, it's bullshit. I'm not disputing that the Quanta article is factually deficient - although I don't have the relevant specialist knowledge to understand why. Purely speaking for myself, but I could tell it was metaphorical. Given the "magazine" is still operating, and that I read some of the article.

It's kind of the whole deal. In steganography, an ordinary message masks the presence of a secret communication, quanta magazine. This episode about wormholes proves the corruption of academic physics.

Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent [1] online publication of the Simons Foundation covering developments in physics , mathematics , biology and computer science. Undark Magazine described Quanta Magazine as "highly regarded for its masterful coverage of complex topics in science and math. The articles in the magazine are freely available to read online. Quanta Magazine was initially launched as Simons Science News [8] in October , but it was renamed to its current title in July Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

Listen to Quanta Magazine's in-depth news stories about developments in mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical computer science and the basic life sciences. Quanta, an editorially independent magazine published by the Simons Foundation, seeks to enhance public understanding of basic research. Read more at QuantaMagazine. You've learned from Quanta. Now we want to learn from you! Quanta is conducting a series of surveys to better serve our audience. Take our podcast listener survey and you will be entered to win a free Quanta book, t-shirt or tote bag: quantamag. Using large language models to generate training data for smaller models might be more effective than vacuuming up text from the internet and filtering out the garbage.

Quanta magazine

Illuminating basic science and math research through public service journalism. Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent online publication launched by the Simons Foundation to enhance public understanding of science. Why Quanta? The best traditional news organizations provide excellent reporting on applied areas of science such as health, medicine, technology, engineering and the environment. We strive to complement and augment existing media coverage.


Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent online publication launched by the Simons Foundation to enhance public understanding of science. VLM on Dec 2, parent prev next [—] Magazines are for showing off ones political or philosophical affiliations, not to be informative. Single ants, even mobs of ants cannot survive. Researchers make significant progress toward proving a critical mathematical test of the theory of general relativity. Their podcast "the joy of why" is still top notch. Totally lying about it in order to make it more broadly appealing is pretty bad. There's also large unrelated pictures interspersed with the too-wide-margin-padded text. So you end up with something that looks like continuous geometry on the inside and quantized statistics about interactions on the boundary. Sign in. I agree it's rather sad to see such an over-the-top presentation in Quanta. Is it that hard to talk about? As a mathematician I can say that all math articles I have read so far in Quanta Magazine have been excellent and they deserve praise! Here's the tldr: It's a rant about details in one specific article. Their ribbons are now tangled.

Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent [1] online publication of the Simons Foundation covering developments in physics , mathematics , biology and computer science.

Magazines are for showing off ones political or philosophical affiliations, not to be informative. Some species have the equivalent of many more than two sexes, but most do not. I'm guessing from the article - however ranty - it's not my imagination. This is one of the worst pieces of science journalism I've ever seen. Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Personally, I think it comes from a deep lack within a lot of humans now: they are scared of the future and bored of the present. They simulated some aspects of wormhole dynamics under the crucial assumption that the holographic correspondence of the Sachdev—Ye—Kitaev model holds. If you want to destroy an ant colony, the simplest method is just to prevent interfere with the mechanisms they use to collaborate. This is like claiming to have the most beatiful differential equations that explain perfectly the weather on earth. But is the distinction between calculation and experiment really specialist knowledge? Subscribe to Scientific American!

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