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Pussy spanking stories

This is for Gerri and some special memories. Hope you enjoy it. I had a strong urge to share my experiences with someone and I chose you, dear readers.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. I was laying on the futon in a sundress, mindlessly flipping through an issue of Vogue when he came home. We kissed softly, my legs wrapped around his waist. Suddenly I felt his interest shift from our kiss to something behind my left shoulder, something on the coffee table.

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Pussy spanking stories

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Maybe her first customer, a striking blond-haired gentleman, will even make it a pleasurable experience! Summer Storms Daughter seduces Daddy before she goes away to college. Grayson watched as his pet walked painfully to the table. Jen tensed and waited. I want you to help me by giving me complete access. She was lost in herself. I added some force to the next three and heard screams muted to a whimper, but she was really close to breaking. Stede was glowing in the moonlight, he was breathtakingly beautiful. What She Doesn't Deserve Ch. She was almost positive what her punishment would be for cumming without permission and she shivered. Author: Powerone. Explore New Story. His cock was filling her so completely. If any of that offends you, please read no further.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements.

Problem Sleeping Girl can't sleep, seeks out Dom for help. Spank my pussy, baby, spank it harder! At Home Two middle aged lovers. Grayson stepped back and walked up to her side. Using two fingers, he pulled my pussy lips upwards to expose my hard little clit, and began to spank it with open fingers. Author: Powerone. She had her eyes cast down and her thighs spread, with her hands on the floor next to her. He had yet to use most of the implements on her, and yet she was imagining how delicious being his toy was and would continue to be. Sort of. SmutMD Sign up.

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