princess chrysalis

Princess chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis is a G4 character. She is not a pony, princess chrysalis, but is of a species known as Changelingsinsect like creatures that appear vaguely pony-like but have holes princess chrysalis their bodies. She is part of a race known as Changelings and serves as their queen. Changelings have the power to transform themselves into a pony, and absorb the love other ponies have for that pony as food.

Queen Chrysalis is a female changeling and the main antagonist of the season two finale , the season six finale , the IDW comics ' first story arc , Budge Studios' mobile game Harmony Quest , and one of the main antagonists of the season nine finale. In the season six finale, Chrysalis is dethroned from her position as changeling queen. She is defeated by the Mane Six and their allies in the season nine finale, and turned to stone along with Tirek and Cozy. She is also referred to by name in subsequent episodes and in the second episode of PonyChat. After launching the entire comic franchise with her, she is near and dear to our hearts. I absolutely loved doing this book I think fans will enjoy it

Princess chrysalis

This day is going to be perfect. She makes her full physical debut in Part 2. The former Queen of the changelings, creatures that can transform into other ponies and feed on their love for sustenance. She masquerades as Princess Cadance during the Season 2 finale in a bid to conquer Equestria, but is discovered by Twilight and defeated by Cadance and Shining Armor. She returns in the Season 6 finale with a more ambitious plan, but her subjects turn on her and follow Thorax as their new leader, causing Chrysalis to flee swearing revenge. In the final season, she forms an alliance with Tirek and Cozy Glow to take down Twilight and her friends after being summoned by Grogar. She appears in IDW's comic books as the main antagonist through the first four-issue Story Arc , and makes several subsequent appearances. Once adored by her subjects, Chrysalis promptly becomes their enemy when King Thorax takes over. Abnormal Limb Rotation Range : She can turn her head degrees, both horizontally and vertically. The effect is very unsettling.

Chrysalis is deeply arrogant, thinking lowly of her enemies, and has a habit of becoming complacent when she believes victory is within her grasp, princess chrysalis. A song sequence follows featuring Chrysalis and Cadance singing about the wedding.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! She is the former queen of the Changelings who sought to feed her subjects' hunger for love and expand her rule across Equestria in the process.

She was the former Queen of the Changelings who seeks to feed her subjects' hunger for love and later expand her rule across Equestria in the process. She is even now the archenemy of Starlight Glimmer, after her defeat in the finale of Season 6. She later becomes a member of the Legion of Doom, consisting of Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow, and was formally led by " Grogar ", who was actually Discord in disguise. After they dispose of Discord and learn of his secret, Queen Chrysalis becomes the de-facto leader of the team until she and her teammates are defeated by the Mane Six and their allies. During her first appearance in the Season 2 finale, Queen Chrysalis gained enough power from Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's love for one another to become even more powerful than Celestia, defeating her and nearly taking over all of Canterlot. However, the same thing she drew power from ultimately defeated her, as Shining Armor and Cadence used the Power of Love in order to send Chrysalis and her army of Changelings flying out of the city. In the season six finale, Chrysalis is dethroned from her position as Changeling queen. She is defeated by the Mane Six and their allies in the season nine finale, and turned to stone along with Tirek and Cozy. After enhancing herself with the Bewitching Bell, the scalera in Chrysalis' eyes become yellowish-green, the tip of her horn constantly glows, her crown becomes a tiara that stretches down to her chin with the black part turning green and two extra beads, her wings grow larger, and she gains green horse shoes and a chestplate. Chrysalis' power is increased dramatically, which allowed her to fight with and defeat Starlight Glimmer.

Princess chrysalis

Set between seasons two and three, the arc features the return of season two antagonist Queen Chrysalis. An event based on the second issue of the arc, " A Pony's Guide to Cave Adventures ", was included in Gameloft's mobile game. In Fluttershy 's backyard, the Cutie Mark Crusaders try to get their cutie marks in zoology when animals with green eyes suddenly attack them. The next day, Applejack , Rarity , and Rainbow Dash notice the Crusaders acting strangely; they and the rest of the Mane Six notice the other ponies in Ponyville exhibiting similar behavior. They retreat to the Golden Oak Library , and Twilight Sparkle realizes that the ponies have been replaced by the changelings , who have returned and are now after Ponyville. She has Spike send a letter to Princess Celestia , but she receives a response letter saying Celestia is unavailable due to a royal emergency. They find Derpy imprisoned in a cocoon while a changeling assumes her form. Sneaking past the changelings by pretending to be changelings themselves, the ponies find the rest of Ponyville imprisoned in cocoons at town hall. There, they defeat the changelings and rescue the other ponies, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders remain missing. Through Spike, Queen Chrysalis sends the Mane Six a crystal ball through which she can communicate with them and reveals that the Crusaders are imprisoned in her kingdom.

Shira shohat

What if Queen Chrysalis somehow came back again? In the finale, where everypony lends their friendship to power the Mane Six. Oh, and her actions in the finale have a hand in bringing back the Windigoes mentioned above, and her response to this? In A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 , Chrysalis, still under the guise of Cadance, taunts Twilight through reflections in an underground cavern's crystal walls and tells her that she's using Shining Armor for her own benefit. Celestia, Luna, and Discord made sure they'll never come back by turning her, Cozy, and Tirek into stone, as Chrysalis eventually gets defeated twice again once and for all. The Queen's victory is all but assured — the sole threat to her has been neutralized and emotionally broken. Leading characters G5. Chrysalis is deeply arrogant, thinking lowly of her enemies, and has a habit of becoming complacent when she believes victory is within her grasp. Of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue 19 , this alternate Chrysalis appears on cover A , and the alternate King Sombra mentions her in the issue itself as one of the alternate Equestria 's defenders. Once the changelings break free from her, Chrysalis ends up with nothing but her life.

This day is going to be perfect.

They are also pictured in a newspaper during Twilight's flashback. In Sparkle's Seven , Chrysalis is mentioned by Shining Armor as he and Star Swirl the Bearded use leftover debris from her old throne to help increase security in Canterlot. Evil Cannot Comprehend Good : Despite gaining strength from feeding on love, Chrysalis has no concept of the true power of the emotion In the comic story The Siege of the Crystal Empire , she reacts with this when finding out the real plan was to free the Umbrum. In Part 2 , Chrysalis struggles to get along with Tirek and Cozy Glow, only submitting to Grogar's command when he shows them Sombra's destruction at the hands of the Mane Six. In "To Where and Back Again", while gloating her victory over Starlight Glimmer's party, she reveals that she was keeping her subjects literally starved for love, right in front of said subjects. She brings up her title several times to the Legion of Doom, either to complain to Grogar about the lack of action or to boast of how superior she is to the other members, although it has no authority to it by that point and the other villains don't care about what title she does or doesn't have. Big "NO! He shared love, and now he doesn't need to feed. Her wings appear damaged and her horn seems to be broken in two with a bandage holding it together. Frantic Photographer : Wait When Starlight Glimmer and Thorax eventually make their way to her throne room, Chrysalis lies in wait for them, expressing that Starlight was not even worth the effort to capture.

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