pornstars real names

Pornstars real names

Pornstars real names list of stage names lists names used by those in the entertainment industry, alphabetically by their stage name 's surname, followed by their birth name. Individuals who dropped their last name and substituted their middle name as their last name are listed.

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Pornstars real names

Name Nerds main. What do I have in common with Traci Lords? Pretty much nothing Well, here's proof that you can make a name for yourself in porn no matter what your parents named you. Real name. Alisha Klass. Alicia Lynn Pieri. Amber Lynn. Laura Adams. Annabel Chong. Grace Quek.

Charlotte Sometimes. English singer Siouxsie and the Banshees. American musician The Beat Farmers.

Erotic stars such as Jenna Jameson, her male counterpart Seymore Butts and Charlie Sheen's latest inamorata, year-old blonde former centrefold Bree Olson, are all so mainstream that their lives are detailed in Wikipedia. But the 1, or so performers in the seedier end of the pornographic film trade, predominantly based in California, often sought to conceal their "acting" careers from friends and family and especially later employers. Now the ability of those pornographic film performers to hide their identity behind sometimes bizarre stage monikers has been shot to pieces after a website published a leaked database containing the real names, dates of birth, and official nicknames of more than 15, of the adult industry's hard-working performers, past and present. Most of the information revealed by the Porn Wikileaks site is likely to have come from computer files that originally belonged to the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation [AIM], an STD-testing facility based in the San Fernando Valley, north of Los Angeles, which caters to the 1, working erotic film actors based in the region at any one time. Under guidelines that are supposed to minimise the spread of HIV and other venereal diseases — in an industry that does not always insist on condom use except in titles aimed at the gay market — all pornographic actors are supposed to be tested at the clinic once a month.

His identity has long been a matter of speculation and investigation, but Banksy may be forced to reveal his real name if a dispute over a print of the late Queen Elizabeth depicted as a bejewelled primate ends up in court. After three years of trying to get an answer, Nicky Katz and Ray Howse have lost patience and are suing Pest Control for breach of contract. Pest Control was set up by the artist in after fake prints were sold online and it plays a key role in the market for his work. An authentication certificate is vital to achieve the maximum price when selling his work, it has been claimed. No one has been able to absolutely link Gunningham and Banksy. To do so would destroy his mystique and potentially the price his work fetches. A interview with a BBC reporter contains the only known instance of him revealing his first name. But this has been going on for three years. We have had our tails pulled for the whole three years. Is it right or is it wrong?

Pornstars real names

Porn stars aren't particularly keen on being studied. But they are the focus of great public interest and moral debate, which may explain why one man's in-depth analysis of adult film performers went viral last week. The average adult film actress is a brunette with a B-cup named Nikki, at least according to blogger Jon Millward, who spent six months analyzing the demographics of 10, porn stars drawn from the Internet Adult Film Database. But what's known about porn stars beyond their breast size? Remarkably little, thanks to practically zero research funding and a community wary of researchers. Not only that, Kross said, but many actresses are reluctant to help researchers, because they're worried that the studies will be used against them by anti-pornography activists. This lack of research is notable given the number of stereotypes about porn actresses, particularly that they have high rates of childhood sexual abuse and psychological problems.

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Little Jack Little. Ted Mack. Ellen F Steinberg. Love and Reginald Van Helsing. American rapper, musician and producer Beastie Boys. And it's even more chilling for former adult actors who may have quit the trade several years ago in order to pursue mainstream employment. Moana Pozzi. Replies 15 Views 5K. American country singer, musician and songwriter The Louvin Brothers. Trinidadian singer Mac and Katie Kissoon. English musician The Housemartins , DJ and producer. English comedian and actor Morecambe and Wise. American rapper Slaughterhouse. First name Middle name Last name.

Lichelle Laws, the Detroit rapper known as Boss and one of hip-hop's first female gangsta rappers, died Monday at Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield due to kidney failure, according to a family spokesperson. She was

Thomas Bryan Taliaferro. Anyone know which ones actually use their real name? More details here! Krissada Terrence. This list of stage names lists names used by those in the entertainment industry, alphabetically by their stage name 's surname, followed by their birth name. Jerry Butler. Julia Taylor 5. Real Pornstars with fake names?? English singer and actor Manfred Mann. English musician The Damned. Desiree Cousteau. English musician The Rolling Stones. Let me know which night is best so I can set it up with the others. American singer, songwriter and musician Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged in Please refresh your browser to be logged in.

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