Polladhavan movie download

Prakash Kumar is an Indian music ComposerPlayback singerActor and Film producer known for his work in Tamil films and a few Telugu films as well.

Subramaniapuram Movie Poster. Actors: Jai, M. Sasikumar, Samuthirakani, Swathi. Music Director: James Vasanthan. Album Year: Release Date: 07 March

Polladhavan movie download

Not Rated min Crime, Drama, History. Saketh Ram's wife is raped and killed during direct action day riots in Calcutta. He is convinced that Mahatma Gandhi is responsible for all the problems happening in the country and sets out to kill him. Not Rated min Drama, Musical, Romance. After a difficult romance in a class-divided society, the love birds find out marriage is not what they thought it would be. Votes: 7, Not Rated min Drama, Romance. An aspiring music director, trying to realize his dream for over eight years, sacrifices his love for his ambition, but faces a tricky situation when his brother's health deteriorates and his family is at risk financially. Director: V. Votes: 1, Comedy, Drama, Romance.

However, a CBI officer sets out to find the real identity of the kidnapper.


A contemporary action drama revolving around a young man's love for his bike, including the trials and travails he is forced to undergo when it goes missing. Selvam : That boy has no fear. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Polladhavan Not Rated 2h 30m. Play trailer

Polladhavan movie download

In this Polladhavan film, Dhanush , Ramya played the primary leads. The Polladhavan was directed by Vetri Maaran. Movies like Vanangaan , Raayan , Amaran and others in a similar vein had the same genre but quite different stories. The movie Polladhavan belonged to the Action,Romance, genre. Celebs Photos Webstories Toplisting. Home » Tamil » Movies » Polladhavan. Action Romance 08 Nov


Now, Kaasi is seeking revenge. Not Rated min Drama, Romance, Thriller. Not Rated min Comedy, Drama, Romance. Mounam Pesiyadhe min Drama, Romance 7. A remake of the Telugu film Prema Katha Chitram. Directors: A. Bachelor [3 Songs]. The Lion King. Singers: James Vasanthan, Benny Dayal. Votes: 3, Retrieved 14 April After knowing that a woman committed suicide in the apartment, his wife Malini begins to behave in a peculiar manner.

Genre: Action , Crime , Drama. Director: Vetrimaaran.

Musical artist. Director: K. Retrieved 16 March Rahman Retrieved 24 August The film deals with the present day definition of love and the perspective of today's youngsters of both genders about love, relationship, virginity etc. Archived from the original on 21 November Retrieved 27 March Director: Sundar C. Poikkal Kuthirai. Sandakozhi Not Rated min Action 6. Composed by Rajkumar Amal. Prakash Kumar M. Mahadevan Satyajit Ray

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