pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

Pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

Acerola is a friendly young girl who is the Captain of the trial of the Thrifty Megamart's abandoned site on Ula'ula Island. Acerola is the last living member of an Alolan royal family.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 3 Next Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Pokemon Sun So, does a ghost girl show up in this game? GigaMan91 7 years ago 1.

Pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

Don't like the ads? Then create an account! Users with accounts will only see ads on the Main Page and have more options than anonymous users. Acerola is a young girl, who has purple hair and purple eyes with bags under them. She wears a patchy dress of black, dark purple, and light purple, with two ribbons coming from her back, a gold arm band on her left forearm and light purple sandals. Her hair is a rather messy short bob with her bangs collected in a small ponytail, just above her forehead with a badge. She also owns a shiny mimikyu who she nicknamed "Mimikins". Throughout the game, Acerola strikes a playful personality towards the protagonist, Lillie , Nanu , and the other Trial Captains. She 'drags' Lillie along shopping, which is taken to mean that she enjoys shopping herself. She first appears when helping the protagonist and Lillie when the pair are searching for a book in the Malie library, to which she offers the book in a cheeky tone. Her English and Japanese names, Acerola, both come from the "acerola" berry. Before her trial, she can be met at a motel, where her siblings challenge the player character.

Baton Pass. Despite their best efforts, Acerola and the others were completely outmatched by the rampaging Ultra Beasts. Breakfast03 7 years ago 5.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. WizardofHoth 7 years ago 1.

In the anime , it is associated with Ho-Oh. The area around its face resembles headgear, such as a helmet. On top of the helmet are two curled horns or ears with a wispy horn between them. Its eyes are orange-red with yellow pupils, and above each eye is a yellow, oval marking. Each arm has a small bump on the wrist. Around its neck is a smoky collar, and there is a trail of shadows on each foot. When angered or attacking, such as while using its exclusive Z-Move , Marshadow's fighting spirit will begin to burn [1] , causing it to become Zenith Marshadow [2].

Pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

Don't like the ads? Then create an account! Users with accounts will only see ads on the Main Page and have more options than anonymous users. Acerola is a young girl, who has purple hair and purple eyes with bags under them. She wears a patchy dress of black, dark purple, and light purple, with two ribbons coming from her back, a gold arm band on her left forearm and light purple sandals. Her hair is a rather messy short bob with her bangs collected in a small ponytail, just above her forehead with a badge.

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SilentSnore posted GigaMan91 7 years ago 1 Remember that girl in the demo that wanted you to see her off at the terminal because she was afraid of boats? Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Acerola competed with her Shuppet and was ultimately among the 16 Trainers remaining when the round ended. GigaMan91 7 years ago 1. Mimikins occasionally reappeared by Acerola's side throughout the Manalo Conference arc, although it never actually battled in the tournament. Then she comes back right after the girl's Yungoos is stolen and orders to retrieve it. Being the ghost of a deceased Mimikyu, Mimikins is able to float and pass through solid objects. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Later, a sympathetic Acerola told Gengar that it could come to visit her at the library from time to time, filling it with happiness. Reward: 11,

Acerola is a friendly young girl who is the Captain of the trial of the Thrifty Megamart's abandoned site on Ula'ula Island. Acerola is the last living member of an Alolan royal family.

Gengar initially felt rejected by Acerola, but after being told that it can visit her in the library she works in at any time, it happily accepted the offer. It used its powers to lift the two into the air and helped move them to the Aether House. Lm03 7 years ago Item : Ghostium Z. Furryyiffer 7 years ago 6 I really think the girl in the ferry demo just had the Machamp walk in front of her to mask her character model disappearing around that area since I was just swearing on my dreams to the sun, the skies and the sea!! Her hair is a rather messy short bob with her bangs collected in a small ponytail, just above her forehead with a badge. The last specific day event thing. Elite Four battle. You can help by adding this information. Need help to evolve scyther Trading. Brooklet Hill. What Level do pokemon stop obeying you? Swap breeding question Help. Later, it was used to battle the Pheromosa Guzma used at Po Town , but was defeated.

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