Pinche gringo bbq

Nicholas Gilman is a renowned journalist and food writer based in Mexico City. I have pinche gringo bbq set foot in St. Louis, pinche gringo bbq, Memphis or Kansas City, and the last time I was anywhere in the Carolinas was about 20 years ago as a college student. With that said, Pinche Gringo is only worth it if you arrive early enough to beat the queue, which means before

The next Saturday Nat and I made the trek to a suburb we had never heard of Col. Glad we did as the line was already starting to work its way to the entrance. First impressions — ultra cool silver airstream van in an open air courtyard with a crumbling brick facade, scattered picnic tables and fairy lights — pretty cool! We jumped in line and reviewed the blackboard menu whilst waiting. You can also order a massive container of meat to take away. There were a few locals in front of us doing just that, most likely to take back to the family and slap into some tacos.

Pinche gringo bbq

He was in that position for just over three years, when he was promoted in to Head of Marketing in Education for Latin America. Defossey relocated to Mexico City. In , Defossey and his friend and Mexico City-local Roberto Luna were hiking in the city when he turned to Luna and said they should do something else with their lives. Despite having no experience running a restaurant, the two decided it might be a good idea to open one. There were no barbecue restaurants here in the city; we are so close to the United States. And when you have that window to be able to do something like that, you have to seize it. In the beginning, Defossey and Luna spent hours giving out samples of brisket and explaining the meat to locals. The dogs didn't eat it, and that's when we were like, okay, this is a problem. But we kept on practicing," he said. One day a local reporter came by to try the food and ran a positive piece on Defossey and Luna's restaurant. Since then, Pinche Gringo has had a consistent customer base. They also didn't tropicalize anything for the location which means they don't offer any traditional Mexican ingredients on the menu. I do not have agua Jamaica, agua horchata. I don't have chilis toreados.

The food was good, really good, and so was the pinche gringo bbq — fruity but not sweet. Nicholas Gilman is a renowned journalist and food writer based in Mexico City. Sign up for our new newsletter!


When asking if they had some good old potato salad as they don't have it shown on the menu , the chef kindly offered to make some. It was delicious! Quality Uruguayan grill that won't break the bank. Just follow the signage. Gastronomia Chilanga. Tengo que probarlos. We use the latest and greatest technology available to provide the best possible web experience. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings to continue. Download Foursquare for your smart phone and start exploring the world around you!

Pinche gringo bbq

He was in that position for just over three years, when he was promoted in to Head of Marketing in Education for Latin America. Defossey relocated to Mexico City. In , Defossey and his friend and Mexico City-local Roberto Luna were hiking in the city when he turned to Luna and said they should do something else with their lives. Despite having no experience running a restaurant, the two decided it might be a good idea to open one. There were no barbecue restaurants here in the city; we are so close to the United States. And when you have that window to be able to do something like that, you have to seize it. In the beginning, Defossey and Luna spent hours giving out samples of brisket and explaining the meat to locals. The dogs didn't eat it, and that's when we were like, okay, this is a problem. But we kept on practicing," he said.

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Despite having no experience running a restaurant, the two decided it might be a good idea to open one. Top picks being the coleslaw and the beans. Since then, Pinche Gringo has had a consistent customer base. The next Saturday Nat and I made the trek to a suburb we had never heard of Col. We opted for a brisket and pulled pork plates with one of each of the sides. Log in now. We jumped in line and reviewed the blackboard menu whilst waiting. I love my people. You can also order a massive container of meat to take away. The dogs didn't eat it, and that's when we were like, okay, this is a problem.


But then who else in Mexico City offers what Pinche Gringo has? Regional Mexican. There were a few locals in front of us doing just that, most likely to take back to the family and slap into some tacos. The only benefit of the family portion is larger side dish helpings in one-liter containers. The next Saturday Nat and I made the trek to a suburb we had never heard of Col. The sides were also very good. Book Reviews. The group owns and operates seven restaurants, including sandwich shops, a bar, and the Pinche Gringo BBQ warehouse. Street Food. Read More. One day a local reporter came by to try the food and ran a positive piece on Defossey and Luna's restaurant. We saw a rojo red cerveza on the menu and our curiosity was peaked so we ordered a couple and moved on to the payment window. Talk of the Town.

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