pictures of american bulldogs

Pictures of american bulldogs

White dog american bulldog on a background of autumn park. American Bulldog, 8 months - Standard type also knows as Performance of Scott type - lying on green grass but watchful.

Best match. Most popular. RF and RM. American bulldog. Portrait of a spotted puppy.

Pictures of american bulldogs


Vector working dogs silhouettes. Close-up of an American Bulldog in front of a white background. American Bully Puppy.


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Pictures of american bulldogs

The American Bulldog is a medium-to-large-sized breed of dog that originated in the United States. Friendly, loyal, and affectionate, these dogs make wonderful family pets. They are also known for being good watchdogs and are protective of their families. While the American Bulldog is stocky and muscular, they are also agile. They were first bred for chasing down stray cattle and helping with farm work. The American Bulldog personality is characterized by intelligence, affection, and loyalty, which make them great family dogs. However, they also have high exercise needs and require an experienced pet parent. They can vary in appearance, as there are multiple types. This includes the Bully or Classic type, also known as the Johnson type, the Standard or Performance type, also called the Scott type, and hybrids of the two.


Dog Stands Next to Bedroom Door. An American Bulldog mixed breed dog playing with a ball. American bulldog puppies. Big white dog on walk. American bulldog puppy playing in garden. An American Bulldog mixed breed dog with a head tilt. Good looking English Bulldog in studio on white. Small american bulldog playing with a ball. Close up portrait of Asian pet owner playing with her dog in the back garden amid Coronavirus lockdown. They came out squeaky clean and smelling like lavender. Portrait of an impressive dog. Vector working dogs silhouettes. Man playing with his dog in snowy outdoors. An American Bulldog mixed breed dog looking up and to the side with a happy expression.

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One American Bully puppy sits sideways and looks at the camera. White dog american bulldog. American bulldog puppies. American Bulldog. White and brown american bulldog playing in the mountains on sunny day. Adorable big white dog standing in nature and looking away. American Bulldog sitting by river, profile shot. Funny nice white American Bulldog puppy is running on nature. Puppies First Bath. American Bulldog Puppy.

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