personal womans care smithtown

Personal womans care smithtown

Open until PM. Personal Woman's Care is the obstetrics and gynecology practice of Dr. Keith Sommers and Dr.

Board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists Drs. Richard Halpert and Keith L. Halpert and Dr. Halpert's love of genetics and his deep connections with women and their families have inspired him to focus on using advanced technologies to diagnose and treat genetic disorders. We are dedicated to making every aspect of healthcare easier and more pleasant for our patients. It's a philosophy that I embrace and one that guides me in my practice every day. Sommers, on the other hand, provides care to women at every stage of their lives, from their first pregnancy to menopause and beyond.

Personal womans care smithtown

New York Health. Board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists Drs. Richard Halpert and Keith L. Halpert and Dr. Halpert's love of genetics and his deep connections with women and their families have inspired him to focus on using advanced technologies to diagnose and treat genetic disorders. We are dedicated to making every aspect of healthcare easier and more pleasant for our patients. It's a philosophy that I embrace and one that guides me in my practice every day. Sommers, on the other hand, provides care to women at every stage of their lives, from their first pregnancy to menopause and beyond. Together, Dr. Sommers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the practice, and their dedication to their patients is evident in the excellent care they provide.

Together, Dr.


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Personal womans care smithtown

Board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists Drs. Richard Halpert and Keith L. Halpert and Dr. Halpert's love of genetics and his deep connections with women and their families have inspired him to focus on using advanced technologies to diagnose and treat genetic disorders.

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Christine B. I Highly recommend his practice! Still the best at what he does! It's a simple step that can make a big difference in a woman's health. Internal medicine practitioners, Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts. The office isn't glamorous but his work is the best! Commack Consultation Center provides the full range of psychological, counseling and psychotherapy services to children, adults, couples and families-including consultation and treatment for:. The treatment is borderline abuse from this practice. He always makes me feel at ease, anytime I had an issue it was resolved immediately. From routine gynecologic exams to specialized care for high-risk pregnancies and complex gynecologic conditions, we provide a comprehensive range of services to meet the unique needs of each patient. Sommers, on the other hand, provides care to women at every stage of their lives, from their first pregnancy to menopause and beyond. Sommers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the practice, and their dedication to their patients is evident in the excellent care they provide.

I have been going to then since Great Dr. The Dr.

Cara M. I Highly recommend his practice! I would give no stars if possible. Our providers prioritize patient education and work closely with each patient to develop personalized care plans that empower them to make informed decisions about their health. It's a philosophy that I embrace and one that guides me in my practice every day. Susan M. By catching it early, we have a better chance of treating it successfully. Richard Halpert. Sommers said. Personal Woman's Care is the obstetrics and gynecology practice of Dr. From routine gynecologic exams to specialized care for high-risk pregnancies and complex gynecologic conditions, we provide a comprehensive range of services to meet the unique needs of each patient. Wed AM - PM. We are dedicated to making every aspect of healthcare easier and more pleasant for our patients. Sommers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the practice, and their dedication to their patients is evident in the excellent care they provide.

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