persis khambatta nude

Persis khambatta nude

Born to a Parsi family in Bombay, Persis Khambatta became Miss India at age 15, which launched her career as persis khambatta nude actress and model. That same year she became the first Indian citizen to present an Academy Award. Though her movie career never took off again, she remained in Hollywood and was romantically linked to Sylvester StalloneHenry KissingerTed Kennedyand Rutger Hauer, persis khambatta nude.

Feedback New user Login. Advanced search. Persis Khambatta nude. Birth place: Bombay, Maharashtra, India. Your vote:. User rating:.

Persis khambatta nude


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Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Persis Khambatta Actress Producer. Play trailer Phoenix the Warrior Persis Khambatta was born on October 2, in Bombay, India.

Persis khambatta nude

She said Gene Roddenberry, the series creator, received studio pressure to prevent Captain Kirk William Shatner from getting too involved with Rand. Whitney told StarTrek. This is getting too hot.

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Agnieszka Radwanska Nikol Heinzlova. Alisha Boe 27 See through. Becky All Rights Reserved. Nicole Fox Esti Ginzburg 34 See through. No nude appearances relating Persis Khambatta found. Biography Born to a Parsi family in Bombay, Persis Khambatta became Miss India at age 15, which launched her career as an actress and model. Julia Riedler Probably not : Persis Khambatta nudity facts:.

She was selected from among thousands of aspirants to play Lt Aliea, the alien navigator of the starship USS Enterprise.

Username or e-mail address. Suzy Mandel Agnieszka Radwanska 35 Sexy. Nikol Heinzlova Smysl pro tumor. All Rights Reserved. Persis Khambatta Sexy No Nudity. Are there any nude pictures of Persis Khambatta? Connie Britton Nikol Heinzlova. Andrea Elson Ellen Muth Clara Lago 34 Tits, Ass.

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