Panty sniffer stories

My best friend's mom was my 8th grade panty sniffer stories teacher and she ran the classroom with an iron fist. I'd get in trouble once in awhile and got to the point I caught myself staring at her big jiggling tits and big fat ass while she was writing on the chalk board. One day she had some big black boots on and a Jean skirt hodee fantasized all class period pulling her skirt down but felt wrong for thinking dirty. I'd go over to my best friend's house and hang out and his mom would make us dinner all the time, panty sniffer stories.

Find fields and stores Zipcode. User Name Remember Me? Go to Page Join Date: Dec My Panty Sniffing Story. Okay so i share a condo with a couple and two other girls. Sometimes I dont go in their rooms for days on end but every once in awhile I like to get my fix of wholesome female snatch..

Panty sniffer stories

While at a pool party my wife and I went inside for a brief private party. About 4 hours later the party wrapped up and we watched her friend, stand around and chat for a long while, and then leave. How she didn't notice I'll never know. I've been doing this consistently for 18 years; she's never noticed, or brought it up. A house full of little girls. I waited for them to sleep. I did some work on a girl's house recently, hot little petite blonde. The other day I was working on her washer and my wish came true, she had a dirty load in it. Right on top was a baby blue thong. It had a nice little streak on it, I couldn't believe it. I sniffed it several times and even went back and licked it! I could literally taste her on it. I instantly got hard and almost came without touching myself it was insane! I must have gotten a little on my nose because I could smell it for the rest of the day.

Christine - Tennis Girl Pt.

I wanked so fast and hard that i shot my load all over another pair of her knickers inside the gusset. Now evertime i see her face, i know that i have come in a pair of her panties, if only it was her pussy. Great story! I often borrow her used panties for a while so I can sniff them. She lives nearby and we visit her all the time so its easy.

As a teenager I always used to spend about ten days each year with Cousin Clare and her parents. Clare was an only child. At the time of the following exciting adventure we were sixteen, but I was a few months older than she was. They lived in a large house in rural Berkshire and Clare went to a private school, girls only, a few miles away. She had her own pony, which she kept on a farm nearby. Her mother always told everyone that Clare was far too busy to bother with boys but, looking back, I think that she was frightened of Clare growing up and going away.

Panty sniffer stories

Find fields and stores Zipcode. User Name Remember Me? Go to Page Join Date: Dec My Panty Sniffing Story. Okay so i share a condo with a couple and two other girls. Sometimes I dont go in their rooms for days on end but every once in awhile I like to get my fix of wholesome female snatch.. Its also nice sometimes just seeing a pee pee or poo poo stain in their undies.. These 3 are 21, 22 and 26 looks younger though once they hit 27 or so the panty whiff value dramatically declines for me..

The escapist zero punctuation

Join Date: Aug My Panty Sniffing Story. I loved going to the laundromat by myself, only to see if a lady had left her draws. Literotica Live Webcams. There are men's pantyhose now. Great story! Views Rating Favorite Newest. Join Date: Nov I know where to buy face mask that smell like p u s s y. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. Face it people have to self pleasure often. Confession Stories Confessions Current: stinky-panties. Recently I had my niece stay with us and I was sniffing her dirty knickers every day. I was so scare and embarresed.

Shad just joined the crew! Create a Free Account and then..

Susan Madison's Unusual Marriage A young wife cuckolds her husband with an elderly priest. Just make sure they are Soiled with her femininity. A teen is the best. I put them back later where I found them and now whenever I see her, I think of her smell. Mail will not be displayed optional. You are one lucky guy!!!!! Report Please login to report. We provide many cool features for confessions exclusively for premium users Go Premium. Terms of Use. I then went into her bathroom and sat on the toilet and decided to open up the cabinet under the sink and whammy, there they were, three panty hose pairs with her dirty panties inside them. She also wears pantyhose to school. Onesie is the Loneliest Number Son finds companionship closer to home. The difference between a boy panty wearer and and older man panty wearer Iimagined beautiful things ,and kept them for a longwhile.

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