oya altar

Oya altar

Log in to check out faster, oya altar. I found this in my notes, and felt inclined to shared after a beautiful sister asked about Iya the other day. I wrote this many years ago, possibly connecting to someone over email about this beautiful Orisha, OYA.

According to Yoruba legend, Ogun, sacred ironworker, saw a magnificently horned water buffalo emerge from the Niger River and transform into a beautiful woman. He surreptitiously followed this magical woman: she walked like a queen through the marketplace where she bargained intensely and successfully for fine cloth. Ogun was smitten; he approached her and begged to marry her. She first demurred but when he revealed that he knew her secret identity and threatened to expose her, Oya agreed to marry him but only if he never told anyone about her true identity. He agreed and brought her home to his forest compound. One night Ogun and Oya argued; he lost his temper and shouted out something about her true bovine identity. The other wives, eavesdropping by the door, heard all.

Oya altar

She is considered either the sister of the Orisha of storms Shango, or one of His three wives, with Oshun and Oba. She can manifest as winds ranging from the gentlest breeze to the raging hurricane or cyclone. She goes forth with Her husband during His thunderstorms, destroying buildings, ripping up trees, and blowing things down. Oya is known as a fierce warrior and strong protectress of women, who call on Her to settle disputes in their favor. As the Orisha of change, She brings down the dead wood to make room for the new, and She uses Her machete or sword to clear a path for new growth. She is believed to watch over the newly dead and assist them as they make the transition from life. Oya is the Orisha of the Niger River, and Her violent rainstorms are said to be its source. Oya, who is an Orisha of a very fiery demeanor, also seems to have a far-flung connection with the Celtic Bride or Bridgit, both in Her Vodou counterpart Maman Brijit, and in Her associated Catholic saint, Our Lady of La Candelaria, whose feast day, February 2nd, is shared with Bride. Oya's attributes are the sword or machete and the flywhisk, and Her animal is the water buffalo, in Whom She sometimes manifests. Her mother is said to be Yemaya, the Great Sea Mother. Oya Herself is said to be the mother of nine children--Egungun and four sets of twins.

As a goddess of change, Oya is not seen as being held by tradition, conventions or boundaries.

Each Orisha has particular requirements when it comes to setting their altars. Altars do not necessarily need to be very fancy or expensive, but care and thought must be put into setting them up. Some items or offerings are sacred to one, but taboo to another. To connect with the Orishas, it is important to have their altars correctly set up and maintained. Here are some examples of the right ritual objects for each Orisha:. Obatala is an orisha, a spirit in the Yoruba religion, who is associated with purity, wisdom, and creation. For Obatala, the eldest of all Orishas, use:.

When not worn the mazo necklaces decorate home altars. Each is indicated by color and pattern. The finial is her avatar, the Virgin of Charity. All is brilliant, golden, rich, and fecund. As many of the orishas are royal figures their fundamental symbols — held in porcelain vessels — are crowned with royal emblems. On the middle day of the initiation period, the new initiate is presented to the community in the finery of his or her patron orisha. It is beaded in patterns of seven, in blue and clear, the colors of the ocean. Tray to hold divination tools Wood Nigeria, ca.

Oya altar

This piece of writing is intended to be a guide for utilizing altars as a spiritual technology to channel creative genius. As a practitioner of the Ife Yoruba tradition, I will focus on ways to honor the Yoruba Orisha , Oshun, who presides over the divine flow of creativity, beauty, love, fertility and abundance. The Orishas are deities within traditions of the Yoruba faith. They represent spiritual essences and codes, ancient wisdom personified. By honoring and paying respect to the Orishas through prayer and offerings one can open a clear channel of communication to receive their wisdom and guidance. I have seen some of the Orishas appear to me as clear as day and maintain a connection to them through prayer and altar work. Of these seven Orishas mentioned above, Oshun has a very special place in my heart. Her creative genius has the potential to heal you.

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This destructive clearing makes room for vibrant new growth. If you want to keep a fight going, this is one way to do it. The road of Obatala I have made is called Eleforo -- is the Obatala of Oya, and is said to live in whirlwinds. Spousal Conflict — Not every couple are always going to get along, so its not surprising to find a story of Oya and Shango getting into it and having a fight. Ancestors — as a goddess of cemeteries, Oya also holds a connection with the ancestors. Oya Camino Necklace. As a result of this, Oya holds a lot of sadness from this, medical term would be Post-Partum Depression. Offerings include game animals and fowl. Antelope Skin — This story reads a lot like the Celtic or Irish stories of selkies and seal maidens. Unveil the mysteries of Orisha Oko, the Yoruba deity of agriculture, as we delve into his rituals that promote fertility, nurture the land, and Green and yellow altar cloth. Explore the vibrant world of Yoruba spirituality, where daily life melds with the divine guidance of the Orishas, fostering a realm of wisdom and In some traditions, Oya is linked to the Catholic saint, Saint Theresa. A warrior who is on the battlefield alongside Chango, who ensures success in business, she has saved me from iku death many times, and will continue to do so until my time on this plane ends. Yemaya Altar Yemaya , an orisha in the Yoruba religion, is linked to the sea, fertility, and motherhood.

Each Orisha has particular requirements when it comes to setting their altars. Altars do not necessarily need to be very fancy or expensive, but care and thought must be put into setting them up.

Small bowls of water, or a small fountain. During thunderstorms, both Oya and Shango ride out, destroying buildings and tearing up the landscape. In brief, she is the goddess or Orisha of many things such as: winds, lightnings, violent storms, death, cemeteries, rebirth and the market place. Loading Comments Be sure to provide regular offerings of the proper foods, drinks, plants, and other objects, and you will forge a powerful spiritual relationship. In African diasporic traditions, a common method of divination with Oya involves the use of a divination chain or opele, which is made up of linked brass or copper seeds. To connect with the Orishas, it is important to have their altars correctly set up and maintained. Oya did live many centuries ago where she was a princess of the Oyo clan and consort to Shango, the then ruling king. She would do this every five days when she came to the market in town; hiding her skin in the forest or under some bushes. The Animal Allies of Oya Oya is associated with several animals that reflect her different aspects and characteristics. She drinks red wine. Yemaya , an orisha in the Yoruba religion, is linked to the sea, fertility, and motherhood.

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