osrs authenticator

Osrs authenticator

These pages contain the basic information needed to keep your RuneScape account secure. If you are currently in the process of being hijacked, please osrs authenticator here if your registered email hasn't been changed and here if it has, osrs authenticator. It doesn't require much time or effort to secure your RuneScape account. Here's a few simple steps that you can follow to make sure that your RuneScape account is as secure fansonline reviews possible.

The warning players get if they do not have Authenticator active on their account. The RuneScape Authenticator is an additional layer of protection players can utilise on their accounts. This algorithm can be used both on supported mobile devices and in desktop implementations. Players are required to set up the Authenticator in order to be able to receive a pair of fancy or fighting boots in the Stronghold of Security. In addition, having it set up is required for Solztun to imbue the player's skull sceptre. Should players disable the Authenticator, the skull sceptre will revert back to its regular state.

Osrs authenticator

We know how much your account means to you, and we want to help you keep it safe from unsavoury characters out there on the internet. Free and available to all RuneScape players, in the main game and on Old School, the RuneScape Authenticator is the new way to protect your account, giving it an additional layer of protection against unauthorised access. Setting up the RuneScape Authenticator is quick and easy, and is done via our website. You will then need to enter this code, when prompted, as a second step each time you log in on a new PC. The RuneScape Authenticator is ready and waiting to help you protect your account, so what are you waiting for? Get protected in just two minutes! Please come to the forums to discuss the update. Have a read of the FAQ here. Recent updates. Skeleton lantern Pumpkin lantern Spooky outfit Spookier outfit.

The implementation generates a 6-digit code every 30 seconds based on the key and epoch time.


The warning players get if they do not have Authenticator active on their account. The RuneScape Authenticator is an additional layer of protection players can utilise on their accounts. This algorithm can be used both on supported mobile devices and in desktop implementations. Players are required to set up the Authenticator in order to be able to receive a pair of fancy or fighting boots in the Stronghold of Security. In addition, having it set up is required for Solztun to imbue the player's skull sceptre. Should players disable the Authenticator, the skull sceptre will revert back to its regular state. To set up the RuneScape Authenticator, a player must visit the Authenticator landing page. Jagex generates a random bit secret key unique to each user and presents it as a 2-dimensional barcode and as a character Base32 string. Many mobile devices can read the barcode directly through their camera, which is equivalent to entering the Base32 string manually.

Osrs authenticator

These pages contain the basic information needed to keep your RuneScape account secure. If you are currently in the process of being hijacked, please click here if your registered email hasn't been changed and here if it has. It doesn't require much time or effort to secure your RuneScape account. Here's a few simple steps that you can follow to make sure that your RuneScape account is as secure as possible.

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Categories : Website updates. We will never, ever PM you in game to offer you a moderator position. That is, it is suggested that the email be tied to a mobile device either by texting or a call before a new computer can gain access to said email. Affiliates Requests Deletion requests Adminship requests. In addition, having it set up is required for Solztun to imbue the player's skull sceptre. Have a read of the FAQ here. It now trusts the computer for the stated 30 days. Free and available to all RuneScape players, in the main game and on Old School, the RuneScape Authenticator is the new way to protect your account, giving it an additional layer of protection against unauthorised access. Don't have an account? Players can choose to trust the computers on which they play RuneScape for up to 30 days or choose to enter a code every time they wish to play. The accounts advertising these websites are typically hijacked by the same website that they're directing you to. If you have any more questions or need help with your account, please be sure to check out the Support Section of the RuneScape homepage.

You can follow these steps to add your two-factor verification and password reset methods. After you've set this up the first time, you can return to the Security info page to add, update, or delete your security information. If you're prompted to set this up immediately after you sign in to your work or school account, see the detailed steps in the Set up your security info from the sign-in page prompt article.

Sign In Register. Protecting Your Computer The first steps to take when setting up the security on your account is making sure that you have a secure computer. Current Wiki. If, through some incredibly unfortunate string of events, someone manages to make it through all these other security measures, there is one final feature to help keep your items safe. We know how much your account means to you, and we want to help you keep it safe from unsavoury characters out there on the internet. Please come to the forums to discuss the update. Phishing that takes place in-game will usually take one of the following three forms:. Sign in to edit. Affiliates Requests Deletion requests Adminship requests. If you have any more questions or need help with your account, please be sure to check out the Support Section of the RuneScape homepage. This will help to prevent people from accessing your email account, even if they manage to learn your password. If a JMod does ever contact you in game, they will have a gold crown next to their name. You will then need to enter this code, when prompted, as a second step each time you log in on a new PC. Recent updates. Get protected in just two minutes!

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