oscar pistorius naked

Oscar pistorius naked

Police photographs of a bare-chested Oscar Pistorius standing in his garage on blood-stained prosthetic legs and wearing shorts covered in blood, taken shortly after the athlete fatally shot his girlfriend, have been shown to the court at his murder trial. Prosecutors displayed two photos on TV monitors in the courtroom, oscar pistorius naked, with the first oscar pistorius naked the muscled double-amputee Olympic athlete standing facing a camera. There are blood stains up to the knees of his limbs and his shorts are also bloodied, but his naked chest appears to be clean of blood.

The image of a topless Pistorius, with blood on the lower half of his body, was shown to the court this morning. This is Oscar Pistorius - his lower half covered in blood - in the hours after he shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. The haunting image was shown to a court this morning during day 10 of the Paralympian's trial for the murder of the year-old model. The man known as the Blade Runner admits shooting Reeva, but denies murder, claiming he mistook her for an intruder. The photograph was taken by police after they were called to Pistorius' home in the early hours of Valentine's Day , and shows him bare-chested, wearing his prosthetic legs and grey shorts.

Oscar pistorius naked

Police photographs of a bare-chested Oscar Pistorius standing in his garage on blood-stained prosthetic legs and wearing shorts covered in blood, taken shortly after the athlete fatally shot his girlfriend, were shown to the court at his murder trial Friday. Prosecutors displayed two photos on TV monitors in the courtroom, with the first of the muscled double-amputee Olympic athlete standing facing a camera. There are blood stains up to the knees of his limbs and his shorts are also bloodied, but his naked chest appears to be clean of blood. A second photograph of Pistorius from the waist up and from the left side also shows blood on his shorts and parts of his body, with a tattoo visible on his back. The photographs were taken in Pistorius's Pretoria home soon after the athlete killed Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine's Day last year, a former policeman testified. Pistorius says he carried Steenkamp downstairs to try to save her after mistakenly shooting her in his bathroom. Former police Col. The prosecution says Pistorius intentionally killed Steenkamp in the upstairs bathroom after a loud argument and then tried to cover it up by saying he thought the year-old model was a dangerous intruder. Pistorius, 27, maintains the killing was an accident and has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. Van Rensburg, the former commander at a police station close to Pistorius's home, said he didn't arrest Pistorius immediately, but did warn him to remain at the house. I requested him to remain present at all times at the scene. Van Rensburg said Pistorius was earlier "very emotional," and that the runner's brother and sister, Carl and Aimee, and a lawyer later arrived at the house. A close-up photograph of the toilet inside the cubicle where Steenkamp was shot three times, once in the head, was also displayed.

The prosecution says Pistorius intentionally killed Steenkamp in the upstairs bathroom after a loud argument and then tried to cover it oscar pistorius naked by saying he thought the year-old model was a dangerous intruder, oscar pistorius naked. But after Pistorius was arrested and taken away from the scene, the detective said he went back into the main bedroom and found a forensic team had begun work without him. And Mr Van Rensburg himself said he kept the bathroom door through which Reeva was shot - "the most valuable evidence" - in his office rather than an evidence room.

Prosecutors will make a last bid to double the six-year sentence the fallen Olympic legend was handed last year. Looking pale and thin, and his features almost hidden behind thick glasses and a full beard, the one-time sporting icon is barely recognisable as the powerful athlete who made history at the London Olympics in But one critic has posed picture of Reeva Steenkamp — the lover he shot dead four years ago next month — as a reminder of his beautiful, innocent victim. Three months ago, Pistorius was moved to a cushy new jail surrounded by acres of lush gardens and trees, where he marked his 30th birthday in November. Taking inmates serving only a maximum of six years, it is unusual for the facility to be home to a murderer - the crime carries a minimum tariff of 15 years in South Africa.

An image taken from the courtroom TV shows a police photograph of Oscar Pistorius standing on his blood-stained prosthetic legs and wearing shorts covered in blood, taken shortly after the athlete fatally shot his girlfriend. The photo was one of two shown to the court in Pretoria, Friday. A second image taken from the courtroom TV shows a police photograph of Oscar Pistorius from the waist up and from the left side, with blood on his shorts and parts of his body and a tattoo visible on his back. Police photographs of a bare-chested Oscar Pistorius standing in his garage on blood-stained prosthetic legs and wearing shorts covered in blood were shown to the court Friday. Prosecutors displayed two photos on TV monitors in the courtroom, with the first of the muscled double-amputee Olympic athlete standing facing a camera. There are blood stains up to the knees of his limbs and his shorts are also bloodied, but his naked chest appears to be clean of blood. A second photograph of Pistorius from the waist up and from the left side also shows blood on his shorts and parts of his body, with a tattoo visible on his back.

Oscar pistorius naked

PRETORIA, South Africa -- Police photographs of Oscar Pistorius standing on his blood-stained prosthetic legs and wearing shorts covered in blood, taken shortly after the athlete fatally shot his girlfriend , were shown to the court at his murder trial Friday. Prosecutors displayed two photos on TV monitors in the courtroom. In one, the muscled Olympic athlete, who is shirtless, is standing facing the camera wearing his prosthetics. There are blood stains up to the knees of his limbs and his shorts are also bloodied, but his naked chest appears to be clean of blood. A second photograph shows Pistorius from the waist up and from the left side, also showing blood on his shorts and parts of his body, with a tattoo visible on his back. The photographs were taken in the garage of Pistorius' Pretoria home where the athlete killed Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine's Day last year, a former policeman testified.

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Xabi Alonso. He was initially convicted of culpable homicide, an offence similar to manslaughter. The right leg of his shorts is soaked in blood. The photographs were taken in Pistorius's Pretoria home soon after the athlete killed Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine's Day last year, a former policeman testified. Top Stories. Follow Daily Star. Even before he was locked up, there were warnings that he would be beaten and gang raped unless a bribe was paid, according to a family spokesperson. A year earlier, he received treatment for injuries to his wrists, which his family denied were a result of self-harm and said were caused by him falling in his cell. And again, Roux said: "Where was Mr. Three months ago, Pistorius was moved to a cushy new jail surrounded by acres of lush gardens and trees, where he marked his 30th birthday in November.

This is the first time these images have been revealed to the public, the news outlet said. Pistorius denies murdering Steenkamp, claiming he mistook her for a nighttime intruder. The state says he killed the year-old model and law graduate intentionally following a fight and charged the multiple Paralympic champion with premeditated murder.

He admitted to the court that two of the Paralympian's watches had gone "missing" within minutes of a police forensics team arriving at the house. Prosecutors claimed the killing was the culmination of a terrible fight between the lovers. Pistorius trial hears damning portrait of South African police. It was very traumatising for me and June who wasn't there. The photograph was taken by police after they were called to Pistorius' home in the early hours of Valentine's Day , and shows him bare-chested, wearing his prosthetic legs and grey shorts. Mirror Choice. Email us at tips the-sun. Nor did he retch as police Col. Oscar Pistorius, leans forward in the dock in court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, on March 14 on the tenth day of proceedings. See Our Privacy Notice. Facebook Twitter.

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