operating system percentage

Operating system percentage

Market share of mobile operating systems worldwide Global market share held by computer operating systemsby month. Game console operating systems market share worldwide

The usage share of operating systems is the percentage of computers that run a certain operating system OS at any particular time. All such figures are necessarily estimates because gathering data on OS usage is difficult on a meaningful scale. There are few reliable primary sources and no agreed methodologies for its collection. In the modern age the overwhelming majority of devices connect to the internet on a regular basis, this allows for web data collection to estimate the OS usage share. As of January [update] , Android , a mobile OS that uses the Linux kernel , is the world's most widely used operating system.

Operating system percentage

Windows 11 may get all the headlines and fascinating new features , but Windows 10 continues to dominate overall market share. Statcounter has once again analyzed its figures to see what market shares the respective Windows variants claim. The evaluation is based on more than 5 billion page views per month from the Statcounter network of more than 1. The figures presented for September no doubt spoil the day for someone at Microsoft headquarters. Windows 10 remains substantially ahead of its successor, while Windows 11 is only very slowly gaining market share. Considering that modern computers are usually delivered with Windows 11 and that in most business deployments, all PCs are sometimes switched to Windows 11 in one go, the still large lead of Windows 10 is astonishing. According to Statcounter, Windows 10 was running on This figure hardly moved since October , though there have been fluctuations; Windows 10 had a But in Windows 10 never slipped below the 71 percent mark. Windows 11 has been making gains since September , but the gains have been very slow.

Although desktop computers are still popular in operating system percentage countries while overall down to Archived from the original on 1 November Other platforms 3 Premium Statistic Game console operating systems market share worldwide Basic Statistic Steam users operating systems used Premium Statistic Most used operating system globally for OpenStack cloud deployments

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Operating systems are software applications that allow computer software and hardware to interact and communicate. They control all complex processes and are the basis for any computing device in existence in this World now. Operating systems are increasingly needed to handle services like memory management, file management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling hardware like printers and disc drivers, given the growing use and scope of computing devices, whether they take the form of personal or desktop computers, mobile computers, or Internet of Things IoT devices. Gartner estimates released in January show that roughly Additionally, The operating systems market is made up of companies selling operating systems organizations, sole traders, and partnerships. Only items and services exchanged between parties or sold to final customers are covered. The market share of Operating Systems is the percentage of computer devices running each operating system at any one moment. Due to the difficulty in obtaining operating system share statistics, such figures must inevitably be considered estimates.

Operating system percentage

The usage share of operating systems is the percentage of computers that run a certain operating system OS at any particular time. All such figures are necessarily estimates because gathering data on OS usage is difficult on a meaningful scale. There are few reliable primary sources and no agreed methodologies for its collection. In the modern age the overwhelming majority of devices connect to the internet on a regular basis, this allows for web data collection to estimate the OS usage share.

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Download as PDF Printable version. Retrieved 3 March Retrieved 5 May According to StatCounter web use statistics a proxy for overall use , on weekends desktops worldwide lose about 5 percent points, e. Distribution of the top supercomputers worldwide , by OS Distribution of the most powerful supercomputers worldwide from to , by operating system. Gartner [13]. Another source of market share of various operating systems is StatCounter [90] basing its estimate on web use although this may not be very accurate. The top operating systems in order are: 0. Retrieved 15 February Archived from the original on 7 January W3Schools offers a wide range of services and products for beginners and professionals, helping millions of people everyday to learn and master new skills. The aggregated information above may be very different for each subcategory taken separately. Global market share held by operating systems for desktop PCs, from January to February [Graph].

Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data partially from exclusive partnerships. A paid subscription is required for full access. Linux OS versions serve as the primary option for users who prefer open-source software and intend to avoid the influence of major OS developers.

Retrieved 16 November As of January [update] , Android , a mobile OS that uses the Linux kernel , is the world's most widely used operating system. The figures presented for September no doubt spoil the day for someone at Microsoft headquarters. Retrieved 16 July This section needs to be updated. Strategy Analytics [28]. There are few reliable primary sources and no agreed methodologies for its collection. What is an Exercise? May Learn how and when to remove this template message. Accessed: March 06, Retrieved 3 April

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