Omega supreme idw

Omega Supreme is one of the largest Autobots, and perhaps the most powerful.

Omega Supreme has enough mass, strength and power to shatter a mountainside without much effort. He can also lift , tons. His enormously thick and heavily-armored hide is virtually impervious to all forms of blunt trauma, non-nuclear explosives and energy-beam weapons. The plasma blaster on his left arm can pulverize a solid 12' x 12' x 12' steel cube. The laser cannon mounted on his head can hit an object as small as a can at a distance of 50 miles. He can change his form into two other forms simultaneously: a laser cannon tank and a rocket with launching pad.

Omega supreme idw

You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. Omegatron Supreme , or simply Omega Supreme , is one of the largest Autobots there is. He isn't much for words, preferring his massive frame and equally massive weapons to do the talking for him. Omega is the last line of defense for the Autobots, a titanic guardian robot capable of instilling fear and panic into the sparks of Decepticons that dare face him on the field of battle. Except Buzzsaw. Kill that little guy, it just makes him angry. Omega was one of the many Autobots who just showed up during the second season. Unlike most, however, he was actually given an origin. Omega Supreme is the last surviving member of the legendary Guardian Robots , the massive neutral defenders of Cybertron. While he was defending the Crystal City , he befriended the Constructicons , the city's creators. However, as it would happen, the Constructicons were attacked by Megatron 's Robo-Smasher and converted into Decepticons. The now-evil Constructicons convinced Omega to leave his post to help defend another city, and promised to look after the city in his stead. When he left, they demolished the Crystal City to Omega Supreme's horror. He captured them and tried to change the builders back into Autobots, but the process was irreversible and the treacherous Constructicons lured Omega into an ambush by the Smasher. The Robo-Smasher attacked Omega, but it was destroyed before it could convert him.

Later, Optimus Prime summoned the Guardians for their assistance but, in spite of his pleas, the giants continued to hold their neutral stance.

Striking fear into the sparks of almost every Decepticon , Omega Supreme is the mightiest Autobot of them all. Charged with being the last line of defense for Iacon , the Autobot capital, and guarding the gateway to Cybertron 's core, Omega Supreme is near-unstoppable in battle, relentless in his mission, and fearless in the face of danger. Omega Supreme was the legendary Guardian of Crystal City. Omega was horrified to be informed by the Communication Grid that the Decepticons held eighty-five percent of the planet; that only three of the High Council lived and all of them were Decepticons; the AllSpark had been ejected from the Well of All Sparks ; and Sentinel Prime was dying. He informed Optimus Prime he should have reactivated him sooner, though they had no idea he even existed, and Omega acknowledged it was because of Optimus that the Autobots held out for so long.

Netflix's Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy - Siege featured countless fan-favorite robots in disguise, many of whom were also in the accompanying toyline. One such character was the massive Autobot Titan, Omega Supreme, whose visage in the show was just as ginormous as his plastic action figure. A deep-voiced, sometimes ornery guardian, this Omega Supreme was in many ways like his original incarnation. Unfortunately for fans, Omega Supreme's absence was one of the biggest questions in the show's second season, though there may be a reason for that. Mentioned in passing, Omega's disappearance is used to homage a classic episode from the original Transformers cartoon. Let's look at how Omega Supreme was portrayed in Generation 1 and how this emotionally distant portrayal informs his newest animated incarnation. Omega Supreme was one of several new Transformers randomly introduced in the second season of the original animated series. Unlike many of his contemporaries, however, he eventually got his own focus episode which revealed the sad story behind the stoic robot.

Omega supreme idw

You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. Omegatron Supreme , or simply Omega Supreme , is one of the largest Autobots there is. He isn't much for words, preferring his massive frame and equally massive weapons to do the talking for him. Omega is the last line of defense for the Autobots, a titanic guardian robot capable of instilling fear and panic into the sparks of Decepticons that dare face him on the field of battle. Except Buzzsaw. Kill that little guy, it just makes him angry. Omega was one of the many Autobots who just showed up during the second season. Unlike most, however, he was actually given an origin. Omega Supreme is the last surviving member of the legendary Guardian Robots , the massive neutral defenders of Cybertron.

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Omega Supreme pursued them, "for millions of years, across the galaxies", until they finally arrived on Earth and were reunited with Megatron. The Death of Optimus Prime Ironhide broke one of Omega's walls while returning from exploring Cybertron's hostile surface, but was assured that it'd grow back. Omega was ultimately successful in overpowering Sunstorm in a straight fight, but when he retracted his damaged visor in order to examine his quarry, Sunstorm blasted him right in the face with a burst of solar radiation, instantly knocking him off line. Omega Supreme is a free-thinker, and though he is lacking in terms of personality, he is a powerful Autobot that believes he can tip the war in the Autobots' favour. Omega Supreme was taken underground where he was forced to open the Omega Gate, allowing Megatron to corrupt Cybertron's core with Dark Energon. Omega Supreme reveals that the Alpha Trion Protocol has not come to them and they have no intentions on interfering in the war. Funeral for a Friend When Trypticon attacked, he carpeted the entrance to the Ark with sonic scrambler mines, disabling Omega and the other Autobots within; Omega was thus unable to square off against the giant. Siege episode 6. However, it may also be that he has merely retreated into himself and become withdrawn because of the pain of betrayal and guilt. There, he got to battle Astrotrain , who taunted him for being outdated technology, but changed his tune after Omega triumphed. Sure that the Autobot was destroyed and eager to get his hands on the means to open the Omega Gate, Megatron led his squad down, only to find that Omega Supreme had transformed and re-energized himself with energon batteries drawn from underground. However, the Decepticons discerned the pattern of Omega's attacks and breached his armour thanks to the terrace' turrets, forcing him to crash down into a sub-level of Iacon below. Gloating in victory, Megatron blasted Dark Energon into Omega Supreme's chest, and the Autobot, helpless to fight against it, was corrupted. However, just as they were about to, Kimia suddenly exploded from internal sabotage, damaging Omega's rocket mode and forcing him to land on Cybertron.

Omega Supreme is one of the largest Autobots, and perhaps the most powerful. He isn't much for words; his mountainous frame and vast firepower tend to do the talking for him.

Soon, they were ambushed by two Decepticon armies, and Buzzsaw cannon-blasted Omega Supreme—and Omega actually seemed to be getting knocked over. Transformers Ongoing issue Omega Supreme was one of the largest Autobots in active duty. In , the Autobots used Omega Supreme to follow the Decepticons back to Cybertron when they intended to use Vector Sigma to create a new group of Decepticon warriors. Omega Supreme was taken underground where he was forced to open the Omega Gate, allowing Megatron to corrupt Cybertron's core with Dark Energon. A Reliable Warrior!? The Big Broadcast of Seizing the advantage, the Decepticons infected the batteries with a charge of Dark Energon, corrupting Omega Supreme's systems when he drained the batteries. Back from the Dead! Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series , and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories. While he was preparing for a round of target practice, Omega lost contact with Optimus Prime when Blaster began broadcasting the music from a concert over the Autobot communications frequencies. He received the distress call of Hot Rod when the Trion crashed, and a mysteriously larger Omega Supreme than had been previously seen He probably felt so embarrassed getting beaten by Monstructor that he installed a home asteroid gym arrived in the nick of time to drive off the Swarm. Dark Star Fallen Star! Omega lost his chance at revenge, but he did his duty. Millions of years ago, Omega Supreme was a member of the legendary Guardian robots , and was charged with defending Crystal City , the most spectacular city on Cybertron.

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