Odessa guitar
Cart 0. Guitar Straps RightOn! My Odessa Guitars Deadbeat Baritone build
That said, some of my other musical influences would include D. I am influenced by things outside the world of guitars, be it cars, furniture design or Brutalist architecture. The more I build, the greater my admiration of design and designers. Influences within the guitar world would definitely include Florian at Millimetric, a massive innovator and generally lovely guy. Matt Proctor at M-Tone guitars has also been a long time influence as well.
Odessa guitar
User Name Remember Me? Odessa guitar?? I acquired this guitar, but know very little about it. The top appears to be solid. The back not so sure? It seems to be in decent condition. Does anyone know anything? I can't find much about it and thought someone here might know. Wade Hampton. Sonoma, the back and sides are definitely laminated woods, and from what I can see the top looks laminated, too. We could tell for certain if you take a photo of the soundhole from more of an angle, but even in the photo you provided there appears to be a darker-colored layer of wood in there. The wood of the inside of the back, as seen through the soundhole, appears to be luan, often sold as "Philippine mahogany. As for the brand name, I couldn't tell you.
It seems to be in decent condition. J odessa guitar Where would you like to take the Odessa brand and are there any exciting things in development that you'd like to share with the readers?
User Name Remember Me? Odessa guitar?? I acquired this guitar, but know very little about it. The top appears to be solid. The back not so sure? It seems to be in decent condition. Does anyone know anything?
Wall St. Please call the shop at: Signed in as:. Sign out. There's no waiting for months or being turned away because "You didn't buy it here". Come see us today! You break it - I fix it! You dream it - I create it! Offering the highest quality guitar and bass repair, on both acoustic and electric guitars and bass.
Odessa guitar
About this model:. This is where it all started for Odessa. An offset body shape that evokes the golden age of guitar design but with thoroughly modern appointments.
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This particular Odessa Guitars featured in this article is a different company, Mike is a UK based guitar maker only making electric guitars, making them only within the past few years. Matt Proctor at M-Tone guitars has also been a long time influence as well. That, and the current design and prototyping of a new model is plenty to be going on with thank you. We live fairly close to each other here in the South West of England, so we actually get to see one another on a fairly regular basis. For me, being so involved in the spec and build process was a great experience and reminded my why it is I run my business really, the love of custom guitar gear. Sign up to our newsletters! Find all posts by srm1. Essentially with the balance of three pickups and general tone from the guitar, I found that there wasn't much requirement for the tone pot, so rather than have 2 volumes and a tone, I changed it to three independent volume controls, one for each pickup. Meeting the guitar for the first time was of course, positive. Seeing as I am lucky enough to have a Millimetric on order after raising the funds through selling my Custom Shop Fender last year, I really liked the idea of having both guitars on display with matching tuners. Our contact was sporadic until seven years ago when he was kind enough to accept one of my earlier guitars and then as I hammered out another design, which ultimately became the DeadBeat, he was also kind enough to accept the first ever version of that guitar. It looks like it's in excellent condition. I have personal rules like no painted headstocks and no fingerboard inlays, just from an aesthetic point of view. Odessa D87 I bought an Odessa a few years back, pictures and info are on here if you do a search. Initially my designs very extremely angular and unforgiving and these ideas were swiftly consigned to the bin.
Odessa D87 I bought an Odessa a few years back, pictures and info are on here if you do a search. Mark Forums Read. User Name Remember Me? Hearing it for the first time was an equally great feeling, and the McNelly firebird pickups handled the low tuned big strings very well indeed considering they were standard wind models. Odessa D Once my drawing is complete I simply transfer to a template and start chopping! User Name. I'm happy to say that one of them, Mike Wiltshire of Odessa Guitars, has agreed to an interview here on the Home of Tone blog! I'm guessing somebody bought it intending to learn, then never did. I am influenced by things outside the world of guitars, be it cars, furniture design or Brutalist architecture. Odessa guitar?? M - It would be cruel and heartless of me to bore you with an endless list of my musical influences as long and varied as they are, however there is a musical connection I can highlight that played an important part in my evolution as a guitar builder. Remember Me?
In my opinion you are mistaken. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
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