North central senior hockey league

History of the North Central Hockey League. As interest appeared to be high, a group headed by George Vanberg of Whitecourt set up a series of organizational meetings in Whitecourt during the summer of

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North central senior hockey league

According to the league's website; the league was established in the spring of out of a few exhibition games and two 8-hour meetings. The league kicked off it's inaugural season with the above noted teams as well as the Athabasca Aces , Hinton Heat and Mayerthorpe Hitmen , playing a 26 game season. The league has fluctuated between 4 and 12 teams. The League's championship trophy was named the Vanberg Cup , a tribute to it's long standing President and league founder, George Vanberg. After Vanberg stepped down in , Muise continued to manage both leagues until he resigned as President of the ACHW in the fall of The league has the Athbasca Aces and the. Drayton Valley Wildcats taking a leave from league for the season. The league had planned on adding a new team from St. Albert, Alberta. However the team had to delay starting in the league due to being unable to secure ice in time to commit for the season.

Search for:. Yukon : See Whitehorse Huskies, In Octoberthe Fort Saskatchewan Chiefs folded due to player commitment issues.


Pat Spencer is all too familiar with defying the odds. Long before being recognized as one of the greatest college lacrosse players of all time, Spencer was cut from his varsity lacrosse team as a high school sophomore. This was just one of the many obstacles Spencer has hurdled in his diverse sports career, which has most recently led him to a two-way contract with the Golden State Warriors, with whom he made his NBA debut on Feb. In the college lacrosse community, Spencer cemented himself as a legend of the game during his days at Loyola Maryland The four-year starter had an illustrious career with the Greyhounds, winning the Tewaaraton Award the college lacrosse equivalent to the Heisman Trophy during his senior season in He was then selected first overall in the inaugural Premier Lacrosse League Draft, but after dominating on turf for four years, Spencer wanted to get his turn on the hardwood. He held one year of college athletics eligibility remaining as a graduate transfer and pounced on this opportunity, transferring to the Windy City to play basketball at Northwestern. Although Spencer had not played basketball competitively since high school, he had a strong background on the hardwood, leading his high school team to its first state title in 25 years in In his workout with Northwestern, Spencer impressed Wildcats coach Chris Collins with his athleticism and quickly proved he could hold his own on the court, tearing through the norm of specializing in one sport.

North central senior hockey league

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Latest News. Student Services. Grading Principles. There were a few exhibiton games organized in the winter of History of the North Central Hockey League. Dayton Heino DVB. Co-op Centre. Social Studies. By George Vanberg. The Eckville Eagles also announced that they were moving their home games to Lacombe starting this season. The NCHL originated from an interest group who wanted to see Senior Hockey back in the north central area of Alberta There were a few exhibiton games organized in the winter of The seven teams currently in the league have an average of 3 years.

According to the league's website; the league was established in the spring of out of a few exhibition games and two 8-hour meetings. The league kicked off it's inaugural season with the above noted teams as well as the Athabasca Aces , Hinton Heat and Mayerthorpe Hitmen , playing a 26 game season.

Jordon Cooke DVB. Players Teams Leagues Seasons Arenas. Wetaskiwin Longhorns. It is also of note, that 4 of the original teams have played in the league for the longest periods of time - Edson and Slave Lake 21 years, Hinton 17, Fox Creek Main: Vanberg Cup Round 1 Complete. History of the North Central Hockey League. District Strategic Plan. True North. The league kicked off it's inaugural season with the above noted teams as well as the Athabasca Aces , Hinton Heat and Mayerthorpe Hitmen , playing a 26 game season. Main: Attendance: My Portal. The league has fluctuated between 4 and 12 teams. Albert team appears to have folded.

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