noragami characters

Noragami characters

The story revolves around a minor god named Yato, noragami characters, who is down on his luck and struggling to gain followers.

Main Role Favorites Alphabetical. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Noragami Aragoto. Edit What would you like to edit? Add to My List. Add to Favorites. English: Noragami Aragoto.

Noragami characters

The characters of Noragami. The titular stray god and the main protagonist of the series. Yato is a seldom acknowledged god who wishes to raise enough money to build his own shrine, thereby clawing his way into fame and fortune as Japan's most revered. Above Good and Evil : What he views gods as, himself included. Absurd Cutting Power : His Zan rend power gives him this, allowing him to cut so precisely that he can separate a person from their memories. It's unknown whether other gods can do it, because it seems to be a specialty of his that other gods have sought his assistance for. It should be noted that this ability is also partially dependent on his shinki. So far he's only been able to use it with Hiki Nora and Sekki Yukine. However, in the anime, Bishamon also used it. Adoptive Peer Parent : One could argue that him and Hiyori have become this for Yukine, acting as parental figures despite biologically being only a few years older than him. Afraid of Blood : While he gets covered in blood too often for this to be true, there's an implication that in the past he's tried some kind of medical profession but couldn't handle the amount of gore involved, which makes him struggle to give Hiyori good advice because she's been pondering becoming a doctor. Ambiguous Innocence : When he was a child, Yato didn't understand what was wrong with killing people as he only knew it made his "father" happy.

This explains why he acts like a dependent and attention-seeking kid around Hiyori even though she's centuries younger than him. The show draws attention to them when noragami characters wants to underline just how ancient and inhuman he is. Reid, noragami characters, Dallas English.

Stray God was the first season of the Noragami anime series. It was produced by Studio Bones and contained 12 episodes. In times of need, if you look in the right place, you just may see a strange telephone number scrawled in red. If you call this number, you will hear a young man introduce himself as the Yato God. Yato is a minor deity and a self-proclaimed "Delivery God," who dreams of having millions of worshippers. Without a single shrine dedicated to his name, however, his goals are far from being realized.

Fast, cheap, and reliable! Noragami Wiki, at your service! Yato is a minor deity and a self-proclaimed "Delivery God" who dreams of having millions of worshippers. Without a single shrine dedicated to his name, however, his goals are far from being realized. He spends his days doing odd jobs for five yen apiece, until his weapon partner becomes fed up with her useless master and deserts him.

Noragami characters

Main Role Favorites Alphabetical. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Edit What would you like to edit? Add to My List. Add to Favorites.

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Trauma Button : Capyper Land, especially the night parade, becomes this for her because that was the place Yato's father stole her Sacred First Kiss. Tenjin is essentially everything that Yato wants to be: beloved throughout Japan, with several successful shrines, and living the good life. Yato must have noticed his fear due of his God's Greatest Secret. Besides his shinki, she was his sister figure that was raised along with him, but their current relationship is complicated. Despite being put through an ablution and repenting, Tenjin still strips her of her name and banishes her. Stray God was the first season of the Noragami anime series. They are simply reborn, taking the same appearance, but usually growing up from a child form first. Noragami by Adachitoka. Toyosaki, Aki Japanese. Little Bit Beastly : After being taken in by "Father", he begins slowly taking on a more bestial form due to turning into an Ayakashi, initially stopping and reverting when given a new name, only to start transforming again whenever he gets worked up. Add character. After seeing the error of her ways, Bishamon tries harder to be more attentive to her shinki. Gods in Noragami are gods according to the Japanese belief, who are categorized into several aspects, like war and poverty.

The story revolves around a minor god named Yato, who is down on his luck and struggling to gain followers.

Character Development : After everything that happened with Ebisu, he finally is able to bring himself to cut his ties to Nora and by proxy his 'father', and is actively trying to reform. Crazy Jealous Guy : A comedic example, he is noticeably annoyed if any male talks to Kofuku. The Berserker : In her second fight with Yato, she is so overcome with rage she loses any reason and just attacks him. Archived from the original on December 24, Archived from the original on February 3, Buch, Achim. Human Weapon : He encounters this problem with Yato, who at times treats Yukine as nothing more than a weapon for his use. Warner expressed: "With a nice bit of Japanese folklore and a likable pair of main characters, this volume brings the series off to a solid start. Convenient Coma : She ends up in a coma after she almost gets killed by Sekki splitting the Heavens during her failed attempt to take down the Sorcerer. Portuguese BR. Homeless Hero : Since he's a god very few know, Yato doesn't have a temple or a house of his own. The problem is that while Bishamon has the resources to give them all a nice home, the large numbers she acquires causes her to neglect the importance of looking after their emotional well-being as well, since its difficult to give them all individual attention. Akao, Deko Series Composition.

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