no country for old men imdb

No country for old men imdb

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Actor The Hustler. Screen legend, superstar, and the man with the most famous blue eyes in movie history, Paul Leonard Newman was born on January 26, , in Cleveland, Ohio, the second son of Arthur Sigmund Newman died and Theresa Fetsko died His elder brother was Arthur S. Newman Jr. Actor Street Fighter. Here he studied the rigorous classical curriculum of the Jesuits and was always active

No country for old men imdb

Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong and over two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande. Anton Chigurh : What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss? Gas Station Proprietor : Sir? Anton Chigurh : The most. You ever lost. On a coin toss. Gas Station Proprietor : I don't know. I couldn't say. Anton Chigurh : Call it. Gas Station Proprietor : Call it? Anton Chigurh : Yes. Gas Station Proprietor : For what? Anton Chigurh : Just call it. Gas Station Proprietor : Well, we need to know what we're calling it for here. Anton Chigurh : You need to call it.

As the scene opens in a long shot, the screen is filled with the remote location of the rest stop with the sound of the Texaco sign mildly squeaking in a light breeze.

No Country for Old Men is now considered one of the best films of , [9] and many regard it as the Coen brothers' best film. In , hitman Anton Chigurh is arrested in Texas. He escapes by strangling the sheriff's deputy and steals a car by killing the driver with a captive bolt pistol. Meanwhile, Llewelyn Moss is hunting animals in the desert. He comes across the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong, finding several dead men, a wounded Mexican man begging for water, drugs in a truck, and a large amount of money in a briefcase. He takes the money and returns home. Feeling guilty, he returns with water that night but finds the man has died.

No Country for Old Men is now considered one of the best films of , [9] and many regard it as the Coen brothers' best film. In , hitman Anton Chigurh is arrested in Texas. He escapes by strangling the sheriff's deputy and steals a car by killing the driver with a captive bolt pistol. Meanwhile, Llewelyn Moss is hunting animals in the desert. He comes across the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong, finding several dead men, a wounded Mexican man begging for water, drugs in a truck, and a large amount of money in a briefcase. He takes the money and returns home. Feeling guilty, he returns with water that night but finds the man has died.

No country for old men imdb

Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong and over two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande. Anton Chigurh : What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss? Gas Station Proprietor : Sir? Anton Chigurh : The most. You ever lost. On a coin toss. Gas Station Proprietor : I don't know. I couldn't say. Anton Chigurh : Call it. Gas Station Proprietor : Call it?

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BlacKkKlansman James Ellis Dr Wilson. Official Facebook Official site. Watch Official Trailer. It would have been fascinating to listen to the brothers dissect the differences between the original novel and the Oscar-winning film. Los Angeles Times critic Kenneth Turan commented on the violence depicted in the film: "The Coen brothers dropped the mask. Technical specs Edit. NPR critic Bob Mondello adds that "despite working with a plot about implacable malice, the Coen Brothers don't ever overdo. Actor Boogie Nights. Josh Brolin Llewelyn Moss. By the time he keeps his promise of visiting Carla Jean, the resolution and the violence appear incomplete. Archived from the original on August 17, Zach Hopkins Strangled Deputy. You've been putting it up your whole life, you just didn't know it.

The movie opens with the flat, confiding voice of Tommy Lee Jones.

Website Blu-ray. Copy from this list Export Report this list. USA Today. The idea here was to remove the safety net that lets the audience feel like they know what's going to happen. You're actually getting closer to somebody or something. See detailed box office info on IMDbPro. Gas Station Proprietor : For what? As bullets slam through the windshield of Moss's getaway car, watch as every crack and bullet hole in the glass is extraordinarily defined. It's Me, Margaret. Jack Palance Actor City Slickers Jack Palance quite often exemplified evil incarnate on film, portraying some of the most intensely feral villains witnessed in s westerns and melodrama.

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