Nicty gay stories

Werewolf's Heartsong DizzyIzzyN.

The following list is a collection of Nifty authors who have contributed a significant amount of content to the Nifty archive. Thank you for sharing your stories! Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story.

Nicty gay stories

Is it my imagination, or has a large number of stories disappeared? The gay High School section is only showing stories since Jan , and the indexes to older stories now longer exist. Similar for the gay College section. Was there some sort of announcement about the older stories that I missed? This seems to have happened in the last couple of days. I have been making a few changes to the Nifty Archives to make the site more mobile-friendly. One change improved font scaling on mobile devices. Another change implemented "infinite scrolling" of the index of stories for larger categories similar to the behavior of the feed on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. There apparently are some formatting problems that affect MSIE 8, but even Microsoft discontinued support and maintenance for that version early last year. Recent versions of major web browsers Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera all work, including mobile devices. I am not aware of any problems that prevented display of the entire index of stories. JavaScript needs to be enabled. If you scroll to the bottom of the index of stories, it should automatically load the next batch.

Gabriel Morgan Qwb, Qwb 4 stories, K words. Charlie 2 stories, K words.

Forums New posts. Attachments Images Videos All. Blogs New entries New comments Blog list. Log in. New posts.

By moc. By su. By ua. By ten. By ac. Discover more Gay College stories in the archive on the top right. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story.

Nicty gay stories

By moc. By gro. By em. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story. Log in. Mar Preacher's Son. By Alistair Gospelpipe.

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Haven Tesla 7 stories, K words. The best of Nifty site has just been cleaned up some, for those who are interested. Lking 4you 2 stories, K words. Mitchell Knight 15 stories, K words. Mike Yonge Mikel Yonge 21 stories, K words. Mark James 65 stories, K words. G Cutter 10 stories, K words. Harry Broom 24 stories, 83K words. Sellar Dhor 1 stories, 1. Lambodara 15 stories, K words. Billy Billy 2 stories, K words. Encolpius 5 stories, 53K words. Blue Boy 18 stories, K words. Austyn Layne 13 stories, 46K words. Edward Chong 9 stories, 33K words.

By moc.

Alpha Bad Boy Forbidden. Franco Dietrich 6 stories, 28K words. Jenna Tarp 7 stories, K words. Michael Offutt 6 stories, K words. LalaB said:. Michael Pendragon 33 stories, 52K words. Huskerdust: Overlord Husk AU by shirtpotatoeclock 6. Aaron Deepneau 1 stories, K words. Jake Preston 3 stories, K words. Kc KC 6 stories, 20K words. JamesSavik Posted December 4, Agent Orange 6 stories, 36K words. Blogs New entries New comments Blog list. Cherysse St. Gerard M.

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