New monsters my singing monsters

This is to accommodate for the instability present in more advanced Triple combinations and can even manage unstable Quad-Element configuration! This process is only possible by using an already-coalesced form to build upon…not to mention the Meebs and Shards! Read More. These Monsters are exclusively available in the Market for Relics, with their accompanying Rares appearing as StarShop exclusives.

This page contains details about content for the My Singing Monsters franchise that has not yet been released. All features mentioned have been confirmed or hinted at by the Monster-Handlers. Adding unconfirmed leaks, spoilers, or speculation is not allowed. With the addition of the Grennitch's Gambit quest, it is possible that there will be four more quests with different Colossal names and their respective champions from the remaining Natural Islands. Completing each of those quests will reward you a new trophy with the respective champions on there.

New monsters my singing monsters

Monsters are the main inhabitants of the Monster World , and the heart and foundation of My Singing Monsters. There are currently known species of Monsters if you count every Epic Wubbox variant as a different species, if not including any variants. Each of these creatures has distinctive voices or sounds that they use to contribute to the various songs found in the game. Once Monsters are collected, they can be muted and unmuted in order to create a unique mix. In addition, a Time Machine can be purchased to speed up or slow down the tempo, or a Recording Studio to change the voices of most types of Monsters entirely. Every Monster has the ability to produce Currency ; most produce it in the form of Coins or Shards , while few can produce it in the form of Diamonds , Treats , Relics , or Keys. The rate a Monster produces currency can be increased by increasing its Happiness or Polarity. Monsters are divided into classes that categorize Monsters based on similar qualities or characteristics. There are twelve classes across the Monster universe, each with unique Elements and Breeding Combinations. Individual Island pages will show the Monsters native to that Island. Natural Monsters are the first class of Monsters encountered in My Singing Monsters , and they inhabit most islands in the Monster World. On each Natural Island , only 4 of these elements can be found.

Rare PongPing. Seasonal Monsters are a class of Monsters that are only available for limited-time Seasonal Eventsspecial promotions, or very rarely through the Nursery Scratch Ticket on the Natural Islands. Rare Tympa.


A list of monsters by their release date, from the first batch up to the most recent, organized by release year. Note that this list only applies to the main mobile iOS and Android versions of the game. My Singing Monsters Wiki Explore. My Singing Monsters. The Colossingum Quests Versus. Decorations Structures Obstacles.

New monsters my singing monsters

Contains ads In-app purchases. Everyone info. Welcome to My Singing Monsters!

Kratos mother

Seasonals will release during their corresponding Seasonal Events. Future seasonal content, like Epic Seasonals, new animated Decorations, and costumes, are likely to come in future Seasonal Events. They don't take up any beds, and only 10 of each species can be purchased on an island. Rare Anglow. Epic Incisaur. Epic Congle. Rare Monculus. Rare Congle. Rare Nebulob. Rare Punkleton. There are twelve classes across the Monster universe, each with unique Elements and Breeding Combinations.

This page contains details about content for the My Singing Monsters franchise that has not yet been released.

Epic Dandidoo. It is unknown if the Wublins, the Magicals, or the Mythicals will get Epic forms, but since they have Rare forms, it is very likely. Celestial Island. Rare Peckidna. Epic Arackulele. It should also be noted that, while not included above, Bowhead and Gnarls will also get their Prismatic variants sometime after their release. Adult Hornacle. Rare Xyster. Rare Buzzinga. Explore Wikis Community Central. On each Natural Island , only 4 of these elements can be found. Epic Drumpler. Rare Dragong. Rare Cherubble. Adult Torrt.

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