naughty pee stories

Naughty pee stories

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I confess that I am guilty of uncleanliness. I have this fetish for peeing myself. I can't go out and buy proper diapers, so I made my own out of a trash bag, and some old children pull-ups I found around my house. I then drank a lot of water, and waited. I decided doing the dishes would be a good way to distract myself so I would pee naturally and get the process in motion, so-to-speak.

Naughty pee stories

I pee on things I shouldn't. Plastic chairs, the floor, laundry, the edge of the guest room bed, in cups and bowls. As a child, I used to pee outside behind the doghouse and into Barbie's little toilet. I'd fill it with my pee and then flush it and when mom would find it, I'd say it was really old water. I also used to pee into tissues in my bedroom as a teen and several times sat on my trashcan and emptied my bladder completely. I've peed my pants twice, but I didn't like it. I want to have the Barbie toilet back so I can pee in it again or buy a child's training toilet to pee in in my bedroom. If I didn't hate the vandalism aspect of it, I'd love to pull my pants down and urinate on a cinema seat, full-blast during a movie and let it soak in. I'd like to pee in the floor in a washroom and under a desk in a library. I also want to pee in a hotel room - right into the carpet, leaving a big puddle behind. I'd also sit on the couch and relieve myself and then masturbate.

Diapered Lizzie Not a true story

I really want to confession this somewhere other than the search bar of my browser. It gets me hot to confess it, honestly. It felt so good I shouted when I lost it! I recall how soft and warm that was and wish i had the courage to keep a stuffy or pillow to release into often. I did it to the couch cushion once and felt really dirty so I didn't do that again though I desperately want to urinate all over a plush sofa. It was in the garage awaiting destruction as it was half broken.

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Naughty pee stories

Bethany had been in the old downtown city library for hours. She loved the vibe of the place, with its long labyrinthine hallways and ornate woodwork. After being closed for decades, the city decided to renovate the library last year, and the main wing re It's Friday night and I'm in the shower. Rather, I'm standing in a bath that has a showerhead attached to one wall.

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Then, you can let go and empty your whole bladder into the seat. If I didn't hate the vandalism aspect of it, I'd love to pull my pants down and urinate on a cinema seat, full-blast during a movie and let it soak in. Who'd have thought being so lazy would be such a turn on Laziness Piss kitchen lazy confession. Apr It was down a side hall halfway through the building. Is he actually lucky to wear his little sister diaper? Wet Play by Gary Uncleanliness peeing naughty fetish shamelessness. I've always wanted to wet a movie seat. I am a sociopath and I have only just Sometimes I whip off all my clothes and run into the woods behind my house and just get as dirty as possible. When I bent down to get something, i started to pee and fart all over the floor through my pyjama pants and panties. I loved the feeling of being naughty and childish as the pee rushed out and splattered the floor.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. It was my first day at my university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building.

And loved being peed on. Those videos are my favorite, especially carpets in hotels or dressing rooms. I'm glad you discovered the pleasure of naughty peeing. About a boy named Sam who matured too fast because his little sister was born and he would like to act cool in front of his sister but suddenly he lost control of his bo My favorite, before covid, was to pee at the movies. I masturbate afterwards every single time. Page 1 2 8 You're on page 9 10 11 12 page. I got up and flipped to cushion. Memphis and his little by micah Ayres 2 2. If you want to see me naughty You need a Premium Account to access that feature! It felt sooo good to stand there and pee myself. As inexplicable as that desire

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