naruto pain real name

Naruto pain real name

Forming Akatsuki alongside his friends and fellow war orphans Yahiko and KonanNagato dreamed of bringing peace to the violent shinobi world. When he was very young, Madara Uchiha secretly transplanted his Rinnegan into Nagato without his or his parents' knowledge. One day, naruto pain real name, two Konoha shinobi naruto pain real name into their home looking for food and Nagato and his parents tried to sneak out unnoticed. When they were discovered, his parents attacked the shinobi so that Nagato could escape.

There are numerous reasons for the popularity of the Naruto anime series, and one of them will certainly have to be the existence of Pain in Naruto. However, be it newbies or seasoned fans, you might need a recap about his life and powers. So in this article, we will explore the character of Pain, his background, abilities, and role in the story of Naruto. Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers about the character Pain from Naruto. We suggest you watch the anime and read the manga first to avoid ruining your experience. He was one of the main villains in the anime series. What led to this, you ask?

Naruto pain real name

Even by Naruto's complex standards, the story of Nagato, the shinobi who later becomes known as Pain, is complicated. Remember, this is a series that revolves around a plot to cast the entire world into an eternal dream state utilizing a statue pulled down from the moon. Even against that wild backdrop, Pain's path is a twisted one. He is an orphan, a recluse, a god to some, at least , a criminal, and a pacifist. His ideals are entwined with violence, and his death is hardly the end of his story. But for Naruto fans, Pain's circuitous story is a feature, not a bug. His journey is deep and rich, providing viewers with a wide variety of factoids, tidbits, and revelations to enjoy. Born Nagato Uzumaki, his tale is a long one, encompassing reincarnation, control of corpses, and a complex relationship with Naruto Uzumaki. We're here to explore his story from its brutal beginning to its elegiac end. This is the untold truth of Pain, one of the Naruto saga's most complex warriors. Pain was not, as you might have guessed, born Pain — names might get weird in Naruto , but not quite that weird. All in all, it's a fitting place for Nagato to hail from. This dreary town is unfortunate enough to be located between three of the Great Shinobi Countries. The Great Shinobi Wars and their many smaller skirmishes left the village deluged with refugees and orphans.

As leader of Akatsuki, Nagato projected a great charisma through his public mask of the Deva Path so that even Akatsuki held him in great awe. When he was very young, his eyes were covered by his hair, preventing his Rinnegan from being visible. The three of them became a united trio, selfless towards each other naruto pain real name eager to make the world a better place.

Hands down, Pain is one of the most brutal members of the Akatsuki to be revealed in Naruto Shippuden. Broken and embittered, viewers learned that Pain changed his name from Nagato after losing his closest friend, Yahiko. Having seen so much horror and suffering through acts of war, his ultimate goal became inflicting pain and suffering throughout the shinobi world to show them the error of their ways. His name reflected his philosophy, and he wholeheartedly believed he'd found a foolproof way to establish peace. To this day, Pain remains one the most compelling characters Naruto ever faced, because though he's a villain, his philosophy wasn't entirely wrong.

Nagato or also known as Pain is a major villain of the Shonen Jump manga series Naruto. His eyes were secretly replaced with those of the most powerful uchiha known as Madara Uchiha as part of the Uchiha's master plan. Along his childhood, Nagato met other people like Kohan and Yahiko who were also orphans like him when the war was about to end. As the three bonded together and became friends, three of them have a dream that they wish their will be a wolrd without war. During their lives, they encountered one of three shinobis Jiraiya who also known as pervy sage. Jiraiya proceeds to train the three and was believed to be the child foretold by Hagoromo. One day, Nagato, Kohan and Yahiko made had formed Akatsuki to fulfil their dream to stop war and deliver peace to the world. However a man that claimed to be Madara Uchiha which caused the death of Yajiko'sdeath becasue of the action of Hanzo and Danzo. Because of the death, it crippled Nagato and he grew up he decided the only way to end war is to subject people to see the horrors of war.

Naruto pain real name

The Six Paths of Pain is one of the strongest techniques in the entire Naruto series, and its introduction shook the show to its core. The sheer scale of its power posed a new threat to the shinobi world, one that had never been witnessed before. While the technique itself gets its fair share of limelight, the vessels used for its execution tend to be forgotten in the process. Since Nagato's own body was crippled, he utilized various vessels to channel the Rinnegan's power.

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By grabbing its victim it can read their minds, transferring the knowledge gained to Nagato. Despite the cruelty the war orphans Jiraiya mentoered endured, under his tutelage they showed great promise, so it was only natural that he wanted to understand why his star pupil became so cold. After this, unaware that Tobi is manipulating him, Pain begins leading the Akatsuki to force the world into peace using any means necessary. They could attack from multiple angles and dodge attacks they couldn't have seen but that occurred within another Path's field of vision. IGN listed him as the fourth best character in the story. The Eight-Tails ' chakra he absorbs has a rejuvenating effect on him, restoring his mobility. Konoha ninja start to convene on their location during the three day process, so Pain uses the Shapeshifting Technique to send copies of Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha to distract them. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users. Uzumaki Clan. She breaks away from the Akatsuki that Tobi has corrupted, trying to fight for the ideals that the organisation originally represented. Those things are worth protecting, worth fighting for. Pain wanted Naruto to recognize their similarities, and in the end, they wanted the same things.

As the leader of the Akatsuki, Pain was the major antagonist for the majority of Naruto: Shippuden. His Rinnegan gave him access to powers that were previously exclusive to the Sage of Six Paths, and with this unprecedented strength, Pain built and controlled the most dangerous team in the ninja world.

Archived from the original on March 11, Follwing Yahiko's death, Pain became a twisted, miserable villain, puppeting the dead to extend his control and punish all who opposed him. Beebom Staff. Fantasy Horror Sci-fi. It is symbolic and metaphorical to define his character in the show. This led to the creation of the series' final arc, the Fourth Great Shinobi War, where Naruto engages in a bigger fight with the remaining member of the terrorist organization Akatsuki. There have been a ton of fan casting around DCU's Batman but none of it has been confirmed as of now. But luckily, two fellow war orphans named Konan and Yahiko found Nagato and helped him. He begins removing Naruto's soul, prepares to kill B, and readies the King of Hell to restore them to life when Kabuto is ready for them. Pain isn't the only person to wield the legendary Six Paths technique. When he finds Nagato smiling at him, he interprets it as if Nagato is continuing to mock him even in death. Believing him dead they start to leave, but Jiraiya uses the last of his energy to etch a coded message into Fukasaku's back.

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