Names like genevieve

Find baby name inspiration and advice on the Mumsnet Baby Names forum. I freely admit to being keen on 'matchy matchy' sibling groups.

Online Etymology Dictionary, Genevieve , October Britannica, St. Baby Names. Genevieve ge-nevie-ve,. Baby Name Lists.

Names like genevieve

Find baby name inspiration and advice on the Mumsnet Baby Names forum. DH and I are tossing some names around, but every name one of us really likes, the other one doesn't! Some of the names that we've talked about some my choices, some his like this are: Matilda Cecily Felicity Genevieve Florence Ruth Can you suggest any other names for us to consider? I have used two of your list, so it looks like we like the same style of name. Happy choosing! Wow, thank you for a lovely list! Have to see if DH recoils in horror Please create an account or log in to access all these features. See all. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username. Add post Watch this thread Save thread. Start a new thread Flip thread Hide thread. My feed I'm on I'm watching I started.

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And yes I think it would be spelled the same too. Thank you!! Some others I like-. Sign Out. Sign Up.

If you plan to use it for your daughter, here are some great middle names for Genevieve. Scroll down for more middle names for Genevieve, names like Genevieve, nicknames for Genevieve and boys names to go with Genevieve. In the US name charts , the name Genevieve ranked at th in having been growing steadily for the last twenty years. Genevieve has been in the US top names since the s. In the UK, the name is less popular, ranking th in and having been around that level of popularity for the last twenty years. You can use alliteration to create a pleasant sounding name by pairing Genevieve with a name that starts with soft G or J. I like the repeated long E and N in Genevieve Josephine. Genevieve Julia. Genevieve Jennifer. Genevieve Gypsy.

Names like genevieve

The classic girl name Emily has ranked among the top names in the United States since the early s, making it one of the most enduring modern classic baby names for girls and leading to the rise of similar-sounding girl names such as Emma, Amelia, and Mila. If you love Emily and want a unique alternative, this list is for you. Emily is a timeless classic that has never fallen out of the Top Here is our list of 50 alternatives to Emily , ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry. By Brynn McKeon.

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Newest First. I always thought sounded lovely together! Some of the names that we've talked about some my choices, some his like this are: Matilda Cecily Felicity Genevieve Florence Ruth Can you suggest any other names for us to consider? Births Overall: Genevieve is currently in U. Ooh replies! Join Mumsnet Log In. Here are a several others I like in no particular order. Latest: 2 years ago cicithayer. And yes I think it would be spelled the same too. PersephoneVeraVedaAmaliaPhoebe too

The classy and feminine Evelyn has ranked in the US Top 10 since If you love Evelyn but want a more unique name, this list is for you. Classic girl names further down the popularity charts include Louisa, Catherine, Annabel, Rosemary, and Felicity.

Go to My Saved Articles. I freely admit to being keen on 'matchy matchy' sibling groups. Current favourite Celticgirlsname is Morven and we just can not think of anything like Genevieve which goes with it. Posting as. You May Also Like Pregnancy. Sign Up. Online Etymology Dictionary, Genevieve , October Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. Vivienne was a contender for DD, but DH vetoed then and continues to do so now because he's a fool. Origin: French. Will show them to DH tonight thanks.

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