
There are two kinds of people in life: those that love Dragon Namekiannamekian, and liars. It is by far one of the greatest animes of all time and is a joy to watch even to this day. The namekian of Goku and the Z Fighters will likely be entertaining people for decades and generations to come.

Throughout the bulk of the series the infamous Saiyans receive most of the spotlight. Namekians have been a consistent presence in the series, but they are still largely a mystery due to the destruction of their planet. Even now, in Dragon Ball Super, the species continue to fascinate and there are new details to reveal about these characters. Everyone freaks out over Super Saiyans and the flashy transformations helped the species turn into the most popular characters in Dragon Ball. Saiyans receive a fancy hair color change and an intimidating aura, but Namekians actually have their own Super Saiyan equivalency, too. These legendary fighters even have a contentious history wherein they were banned from Planet Namek and became nomads of the universe.


Namekians - also called Nameks - are a species of magical and philosophical humanoid slug-like warrior organisms with green skin, antennae, and a powerful regenerative ability. Namekians have green skin and antennae. Patches on their arms seem to indicate age; younger Namekians have pink arm patches, while elders instead have a dull orange coloration. Despite having masculine bodies, voices and behaviors, Namekians are actually genderless and can reproduce asexualy but can reproduce sexually if there are partners. Due to their asexual existence, any and all Namekians can reproduce by spitting out an egg through their mouth. These young are not genetic copies of the parent, despite what one might expect from an asexual race; rather it appears that the parent has some control over what type of child will be produced. This can be taken to the extreme, with the newborns able to come out mutated and not closely resembling others of their species. They are unique in that they only require water for sustenance, but they do know what eating means. They have evolved on a world with three suns, with at least one up at all times, and therefore night is also unknown to them. Their physiology grants them a wide variety of abilities, many of them magical in nature; however, since these abilities are mostly seen being used by important individuals and not civilians, it is unknown whether these techniques are common to the species or to the individual. It seems likely that the vast majority of these abilities are restricted to the fighter caste Namekians as opposed to the sage caste, as none of the normal Namekians have ever been seen displaying the abilities when facing a crisis such as Frieza's invasion. At some point in the not-too-distant past, the Nameks were a well-known spacefaring race; this is determinate as the Saiyans who first arrived on Earth immediately recognized Piccolo as a Namek. This would have been an extremely unlikely circumstance if their species were only a primitive farming culture on a single planet. Other evidence of this is a small space capsule with Namek-language voice recognition that was sent to Earth with one of two Namekians prior to the genocide that was soon to occur. One generation ago in Namek's past, a great tempest nearly eradicated the entire Namekian race, leaving only two survivors.

Both are vital abilities that can easily turn the tables in battle. They namekian up literally roasting and eating him as well which is just a tiny bit weird, namekian, all things considered.

They exist in both Universe 6 and Universe 7 and were originally from another realm altogether. They are humanoid with plant and slug-like characteristics, including green skin and antennae. The name "Namek" is taken from the word namekuji , which means "slug" in Japanese. Sagas of Dragon Ball , the Namekians in the series were known as a Demon Clan and thought of more earthly origin. Approximately three-hundred years prior to the beginning of the Dragon Ball series , the earliest Namekians encountered on Earth King Piccolo and his sons , though not counting Kami were evil, destructive and caused chaos throughout the Earth until their eventual narrow defeat at the hands of Master Mutaito and his pupils including Master Roshi and Master Shen. It is clear that they were a well-known, space-faring race at some point in the not-too-distant past, as most of the Saiyans who came to Earth immediately recognized Piccolo as a Namekian. In the era of the Dragon Ball series, there were just over Namekians alive on their home planet, as they had been killed off a generation before, by a great tempest.

As their collective name suggests, Namekians were originally from the planet Namek , a world entrusted with the sorcery to create dragon balls An ability only Namekians possess. Namekians resemble humanoid, green gastropods. They all possess visible muscular bands around their lined body, that expose areas of muscle which are usually of different colour to their skin. Namekians have antenna on their heads as well and pointed elf-like ears.


Piccolo and Kami will become a Super Namek. Super Namekians are not fundamentally a different type of Namekian, simply very powerful Namekians. Piccolo achieves this state by fusing with other Namekians, first Nail and then Kami. Saonel and Pilina also achieve this state by fusing with countless Namekians from Universe 6. The Namekian Savior also attains the form this way. The Super Namekian state possess several drawbacks.

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This however fits with Gohan's assertion during " Victimized Namekian " that he's never actually seen Piccolo eat. At the same time, a number of Saiyans , Half-Saiyans, and Humans arrived to stop Frieza's forces, which eventually resulted in the complete destruction of Namek and a second near-extinction of the Namekian race. Namekians are killed and kidnapped because of a Dragon Ball agenda, with most ravaged individuals completely innocent. Sign in to edit. Still, he's been shown to be incredibly powerful in countless battles. He absolutely clobbers Tien in a one-on-one fight, showing that the fear of his skills is legitimate. The child says that though it's bitter, he can eat it and feels a little better now. Not only are Namekians able to telepathically communicate with their offspring, but their skills go one step further and they can also tell when their children are in danger, or worse, about to die. Unfortunately, prosperity was not to occur for their species, and their world was soon invaded by the evil Frieza , who had come to search for the planet's Dragon Balls. King Piccolo also does his part in reproducing more offspring, but the species still faces miniscule numbers in comparison to some of the other races out there. However, considering the food is gone from the table during the status boost scene, it is implied that Piccolo eats the meal off screen. However, he's still a consideration from Goku to use the Potara Earrings, with which must mean he has at least some respect for his power in battle. Once Namekians enter the scene, the series expands on the Dragon Ball mythos in some exciting ways that tie together with these green guys. In Age , Dark Namekians begin to spawn eggs on Earth and, in the area which they live, there is an empty throne where King Piccolo's "demon" kanji can be seen.

The planet was destroyed by the wrath of Frieza on December 24, Age The Namekian people were relocated to New Namek after being refugees on Earth for roughly a year. The planet had a population of about Namekians at the time of the Vegeta Saga [3] in November of Age

They were banished from the planet using the Dragon Balls. The result of this causes the user's physical strength and weight to increase greatly, though it does not increase their energy level like other forms usually do. He may have been beaten by Frieza, but he went down swinging in one of the most inspiring ways possible, refusing to give in until he could no longer move. During periods when he or his party don't have stat buffs from food, Piccolo will simply note he isn't at his best or comment that the others in his party should eat. Main article: Warrior-type Namekian The combat caste. This idea gets taken even further with individuals like the Grand Elder, who can actively awaken the latent potential in individuals. It should be noted that Lord Slug himself despises light and embraces darkness, and it is implied that he simply prefers dark cold environments as his demonic minions are weakened by sunlight which he notes is almost enough to make him feel sympathy in his cold dead heart. King Piccolo is all of the evil that was trapped within Kami and boy is that evil powerful! Dende isn't so much of a fighter as he is a supporting character in the series. Piccolo may have also realized the danger of reincarnation as his father had intended his reincarnation to carry out his revenge and conquer to Earth but he instead reformed and became friends with his former enemies and mentored Goku's son Gohan, thus Piccolo may have feared that his reincarnation might turn out far differently than himself and he knows it would take at a couple years to reach full maturity thus reincarnation itself is risky tactic even if it does allow a Namekian to survive death. Poko Poko , the Black Mashenlong who serves as a counterpart to Mr. However, Week himself is later defeated by the Time Patrol.

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