mumsnet sex forum

Mumsnet sex forum

How times have changed. It was not an isolated post. In the past year or mumsnet sex forum, the website — once known primarily as a place where mums could discuss feeding routines, ask politicians about their favourite biscuits and argue about who is hotter, Ant or Dec — has become notorious for transphobic and anti-trans posts.

A feminism forum for sex and gender discussions, feminist chat, theory and intersectional feminism. Today Yesterday Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Start a new thread.

Mumsnet sex forum

While I do enjoy its handy edit of the nuttier scrapings of the female mind, I sometimes read with one eye closed. But here it feels apt. Though I love a bitchy chuckle also available for purchase as a regional drag name , my guilt comes from the knowledge that these women, with their baked-in passive aggression and fascination with semen, were posting on the Mumsnet message boards under the assumption their secrets would be read only by people in their own online community, rather than sneering onlookers like me, horrified mainly by the abbreviations. Then, one morning somewhere close to dawn, going on to push an entire human through the creaking architecture of your body, and afterwards, being told to shut up and swallow it. Married sex, the limits of hygiene, their fears and neuroses, the private names they have for genitals — I find something terribly icky about exploiting these conversations, about their appropriation as a sprawling database about womankind. And then, turning the chatter back on them, feels particularly alarming. It reminds me of an afternoon in , when my teacher took my diary. I was 10, and he took my diary, and then read sections out to the class. Looking back now, I can chart the way that experience scarred the rest of my life, changing its course as if a character in a Jonathan Coe novel. The things I wrote in there were particular to the place they sat — the stories that Mumsnet users share online are the same.

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O bserving the ongoing furore concerning Mumsnet, and the fact that some threads stray into salacious territory from the now-infamous post-coital penis cleansing rituals to unusual sexual venues, and beyond , I've been waiting patiently to feel outraged by the site's ethical degeneration, waiting to start fuming at how it has let womankind down. At the very least, I hoped to form a more-in-sadness-than-anger po-face. However it's just not happening. What did people think that women, including mums, talked about? How to make the best choux pastry? Foolproof techniques with iron-on name tags? Among other things including commendable campaigns , Mumsnet covers this kind of domestic blether, which is good.

Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. Many Mumsnetters experiencing domestic abuse have found this thread helpful: Listen up, everybody. So here goes… realise that I may be opening myself to a mumsnet blasting but…. I have two beautiful children one with additional needs. One child sees dad, one child doesn't.. I do have some spare time during the school day but not every day. I would love a relationship at some point… but my god what I really want at the moment is someone who actually wants me or would do a good impression of it to kiss me and jump my bones! I am a larger lady, but never had a problem finding a man perhaps the wrong one! If you do it, where do you meet? I don't want anyone in my house and not sure about going to their place Has anyone actually paid for it..

Mumsnet sex forum

You need to have been registered for 7 days to post in the Sex forum. Ladies wondering when you first start seeing somebody what's the longest you've gone not having sex? What's too long haha X. My first bf..

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Profiteering from rape 1. Does the community only ever accept favourable reports, AKA confirmation bias, or is it something deeper? My husband plays golf, keeps pretty fit and we have wonderful holidays together. Sign up to our daily newsletter here. Claireylou Member Posts: Hard-core porno paid for by taxpayers via SNP quango Partner wanting to wear womens clothes during sex Unanswered threads Acronyms Talk guidelines Hide shortcut buttons. Page 1 of 5 First Previous Next Last. I am sure we all have very different degrees of libido.


He is still attractive but like many 70 year olds spends most of the time looking for his glasses or phone while moaning about the government. Mobile version of the Forum Click here. From Mr. As for ribald sex talk, not for the first time, the clue's in the name, people! Grisly details about the intentional mistakes he made, including oh God a screw drilled into a spinal cavity, do not make for happy lunches. Charlie Hunnam says Fifty Shades of Grey sex scenes 'not a problem'. Sign up to Gransnet Daily Our free daily newsletter full of hot threads, competitions and discounts Subscribe. To suggest that those clicking on Mumsnet would be surprised to learn that labour hurts, or that it can be traumatic, is patronising and foolish. Claire Fox speech in the Lords today 4. Reuse this content. Charlie Hunnam 'got cold feet' over Fifty Shades of Grey. I agree with Bridgeit , the problem is when there is an imbalance between a couple. And our hormones are responsible for that.

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