muffled in spanish

Muffled in spanish

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Muffled in spanish

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Search for more words in the English-Northern Sotho dictionary. Spanish translations powered by Oxford Languages. However, halfway down the hall, she heard muffled sobs. This afternoon, however, has the potential to offer Scotland followers a cause for muffled cheers. British Harsh fluorescent light would spill out from underneath a door in the corner, along with muffled moans. British 2. American English. Context sentences English Spanish Contextual examples of "muffled" in Spanish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Anyone who disagrees with the official line has their voice muffled and is deprived of access to the public stage. Monolingual examples English How to use "muffled" in a sentence. English How to use "muffle" in a sentence.

Dictionary Sentences Conjugation Grammar Thesaurus. Caben hasta 20 personas en esta sala. Trends of muffle.

Add to word list Add to word list. A muffled sound is quiet or not clear. The muffled roar of traffic could be heard in the distance. Translations of muffled in Chinese Traditional. See more.

Add to word list Add to word list. La casa tiene ventanas de doble cristal para amortiguar el ruido de los aviones. See also muffler. Examples of muffle. In seeking explanations, we have been muffled by defence requirements, and we are unable to get any logical explanation in support of the move.

Muffled in spanish

English to Spanish. Spanish to English. English Grammar in Spanish. Pronunciation Guide. Video Build your vocabulary. Spanish grammar.

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Portuguese to English. Italian English to Italian. Choose your language. Synonyms Synonyms English for "muffled":. Primary School. Han descubierta una nueva vacuna. Collins API. German English to German. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. It wasn't just that the sound was muffled. Quiz French confusables. English synonyms. It can sound slightly muffled at higher volumes but otherwise is deep and resonant, with an impressive low end for such a small unit. Find out its meaning and how it is used! Examples of 'muffled' in a sentence muffled.

English to Spanish. Spanish to English. Pronunciation Guide.

English—Italian Italian—English. Synonyms Synonyms English for "muffled":. Grammar Patterns. Secondary School. French images. Thematic word lists. French grammar. English Usage. A Plague of Angels These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Examples of 'muffle' in a sentence muffle. The Sun English images.

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