mossberg 715t 22lr drum mags

Mossberg 715t 22lr drum mags

Mossberg T 25rd Mag Prohibited. So as of tomorrow, the Mossberg T 25 rd magazine is classified as Prohibited. Dewey Cox.

We're sorry, we couldn't find results for your search. Federal law requires firearms to be shipped to FFL Dealers. For an individual to receive a firearm from Cheaper Than Dirt! You may choose an FFL Dealer from our preferred listing or you may find a dealer in your area. If you choose a dealer that is not on our preferred list, either you or the FFL Dealer will be required to submit a copy of the Federal Firearms License referencing your Cheaper Than Dirt! The FFL Dealer will usually charge a fee to conduct the transfer.

Mossberg 715t 22lr drum mags


I am certain the higher capacity was a strong influence for many who purchased the rifle-I can say for certain that it wasn't the finish!


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Mossberg 715t 22lr drum mags

We're sorry, we couldn't find results for your search. Federal law requires firearms to be shipped to FFL Dealers. For an individual to receive a firearm from Cheaper Than Dirt! You may choose an FFL Dealer from our preferred listing or you may find a dealer in your area. If you choose a dealer that is not on our preferred list, either you or the FFL Dealer will be required to submit a copy of the Federal Firearms License referencing your Cheaper Than Dirt! The FFL Dealer will usually charge a fee to conduct the transfer. Remember, the FFL Dealer is doing you a favor and the process takes time to complete. Fees can vary so check with the FFL Dealer ahead of time to request a quote on the fees associated with your firearm transfer. The FFL Dealer is in business to make a profit and your internet purchase may be viewed as competition to their retail business.

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Bypass and send us your Firearm Sales Form. You may choose an FFL Dealer from our preferred listing or you may find a dealer in your area. Find all posts by dgitz. Fees can vary so check with the FFL Dealer ahead of time to request a quote on the fees associated with your firearm transfer. If a defect is discovered after completing the transfer, you must contact the manufacturer directly for repair or replacement. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. This was posted as at a gunstore somewhere in Edmonton. User Name. Find all posts by Dewey Cox. Find all posts by mag. Maybe get your info from the people that will know not the ones that think they know.


Find all posts by bukwild. I have not seen anything come from the RCMP as of yet stating the clip is prohibited. Originally Posted by Robmcleod I love my , and had no issues with the T but I doubt Mossberg will ever be welcome in my house again. Once you place the firearm in your cart and checkout you will receive a confirmation email that has your order number and further instructions. I don't want mine anymore. Maybe get your info from the people that will know not the ones that think they know. This was posted on another website by a dealer. ProMag magazines include a lifetime guarantee, if you ever have a problem with their magazines; simply return them to ProMag for replacement. What changed was that mossberg made a pistol that takes the same magazine as the t which then causes the magazine to be regulated under a different part of the law than before possibly. Find all posts by Windago. Find all posts by dgitz.

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