miller wentworth

Miller wentworth

He is best known for his role as Michael Scofield in the Fox television series Prison Break —, —present. His first screenplay, the thriller drama Stokermiller wentworth, was released in Miller was born in Chipping NortonOxfordshireEngland. His parents are Americans.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Wentworth Miller Actor Producer Writer. Wentworth Miller is a compelling and critically acclaimed actor whose credits span both television and feature film.

Miller wentworth

He made his screenwriting debut with the thriller film Stoker. Miller II, is a lawyer and teacher, who was studying at the University of Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship at the time of Miller's birth. Miller's family moved to Park Slope, Brooklyn , when he was a year old. In , Miller relocated to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. I needed it like I needed air, it was just something I had to do. After appearing in a few minor television roles, he moved on to co-star in the film The Human Stain , playing the younger version of the Anthony Hopkins character, Coleman Silk. He identified strongly with the core dilemma of the movie, about a black man who chooses to "pass" as white. Miller worked extensively on the role, not only in researching Anthony Hopkins, but by embarking on a four-month regimen to accurately portray Silk as a boxer. Also in , he had a minor role in the film Underworld , playing a doctor and friend of the character Michael Corvin. He played the role of a gifted structural engineer who created an elaborate scheme to help his brother, Lincoln Burrows Dominic Purcell , escape death row after being found guilty of a crime he did not commit. His character had a full upper body front and back tattoo. Covering both the front of Miller's torso and his back, along with both arms from shoulders to wrists, the special effects for the tattoo took over four hours to apply. Director Brett Ratner , who directed the pilot episode of Prison Break , was also signed on to direct the two Carey videos. Ratner decided to use Miller in the videos as well. Miller wrote the screenplay for the film Stoker , as well as a prequel to Stoker , Uncle Charlie.

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A structural engineer installs himself in a prison he helped design, in order to save his falsely accused brother from a death sentence by breaking themselves out from the inside. Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell : [about the rising temperature in the cells] Not that hot? Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell : When this guy woke up, he was white! Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Miller wentworth

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Wentworth Miller Actor Producer Writer.

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He was also a cartoonist for the school paper and a member of the A Capella group, The Princeton Tigertones, where he sang baritone. He has also written a screenplay for a prequel called Uncle Charlie. Batwoman 3. ADA Isaiah Holmes. June 27, FAQ 11 Powered by Alexa. Actor screenwriter. May 11, Golden Globe Award. Previous 3.

He made his screenwriting debut with the thriller film Stoker. Miller II, is a lawyer and teacher, who was studying at the University of Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship at the time of Miller's birth.

In , Miller relocated to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. Princeton University. Download as PDF Printable version. Michael Scofield. He has two younger sisters, Gillian and Leigh. He has also written a screenplay for a prequel called Uncle Charlie. Wentworth played the role of Michael Scofield, a character helping his brother, Lincoln Burrows, escape death row after being found guilty of a crime he did not commit. The Flash 7. TV Guide Magazine. Teen Choice Award.

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