millennium falcon wiki

Millennium falcon wiki

The Millennium Falcon is a fictional starship in the Star Wars franchise. Additionally, the Falcon appears in a variety of Star Wars spin-off worksincluding books, millennium falcon wiki, comics, and games; James Luceno 's novel Millennium Falcon focuses on the titular ship. Described as being one of the fastest vessels in the Star Wars canonthe Falcon looks worn-out but despite its humble origins and shabby exterior, the Millennium Falcon has played a critical role in some of the greatest victories of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. The ship originally had a millennium falcon wiki elongated appearance, but this design's similarity to the Eagle Transporters in Space: prompted George Lucas to change the Falcon ' s design.

The Millenium Falcon was an YTf light freigther most famously known ui for its use by the smuggler and Rebel hero Han Solo and his companion Chewbacca. Even though the Falcon looked shabby and was often described as 'a piece of junk', it actually was heavily modified and one of the best freighters of its kind. It most notably made the Kessel run in less than twelve parasecs. Constructed out of two convex saucers, two mandibles facing forward and a sidemounted cockpit, the Millenium Falcon was easily recognisable. In contrast to other ships of the same model, the Millenium falcon had heavily altered systems, as many components had been either up- or downgraded by its successive owners over a span of approximately 90 years.

Millennium falcon wiki

Solo won the Falcon in a high-stakes game of sabacc against Lando Calrissian. During the new player tutorial , the character is rescued from an Imperial space station by Han Solo and flown to Tansarii Point Station aboard the Falcon. During the escape, the new player gets to man the upper gun turret of the Falcon and fight off a wave of TIE Fighters. Once the character reaches the station, he or she has to help Solo find parts to get the Falcon up to shape and on her way. Solo won her from Lando Calrissian during a Sabacc tournament. Under both Calrissian and Solo, the ship endured many adventures and upgrades which led to her dilapidated exterior appearance. It was present at the Republic Executive Building docking bay on Coruscant shortly after the Second Battle of Coruscant, landing beneath the shuttle that brought Anakin Skywalker , Obi-Wan Kenobi , and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to safety, but not much else is known of the ship's early history. Lando Calrissian acquired the Falcon in a game of sabacc on Bespin around 5 BBY, from a gambler who couldn't cover his debt. After learning how to pilot from his new friend Solo, as well as his droid friend Vuffi Raa, Calrissian took the ship through many escapades in the Rafa system, the Oseon belt, and the Starcave of ThonBoka, just to name a few. He also made modifications to the ship in order to better protect himself during his smuggling runs. The Falcon gained one of her most significant battle scars, a huge tear near her entry ramp, when a Renatasian Confederation starfighter rammed her. During a high-stakes sabacc game, the final round of a large tournament on Cloud City, Calrissian threw in a marker for "any ship on his lot" at the time, he was the owner of a used spaceship lot. Solo, the other contestant remaining in the tournament, accepted the marker, knowing that Calrissian had taken a cruise ship to the tournament and left the Falcon behind.

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To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. The Envoy was destroyed in a collision with a bulk freighter above Nar Shaddaa , but it was rebuilt and served various owners under different names before Quip Fargil named it after the bat-falcon , and it eventually fell into the hands of Lando Calrissian after a game of sabacc —but Calrissian himself lost the ship in another game of sabacc to the smuggler Han Solo several years later. Solo and his Wookiee copilot, Chewbacca , became the ship's most famous and permanent owners, flying the Falcon during their smuggling careers and their subsequent work with the Alliance to Restore the Republic ; a fateful trip to the planet Alderaan from Tatooine , ferrying Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker there, saw Solo and the Falcon embroiled in the Alliance's affairs and participating in the historic Battle of Yavin —during which Solo and Chewbacca flew the Falcon to save Skywalker from Imperial TIE fighters and allowed him to fire the shot that destroyed the Death Star. Despite Solo's insistence that he did not work for the Alliance, his misadventures continued to draw him back to the Rebels and Princess Leia Organa , and the Falcon was present for many pivotal battles of the Galactic Civil War such as the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor —where Lando Calrissian and his copilot Nien Nunb flew alongside Wedge Antilles into the second Death Star's superstructure and fired the shots that spelled the massive battle station's destruction.

Millennium Falcon is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. The highly modified YT light freighter first appeared in the original Star Wars trilogy and made a cameo appearance in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The Falcon also appears in a variety of Star Wars Expanded Universe materials, including novels, comics, and video games. In particular, James Luceno's novel Millennium Falcon focuses on the titular ship. Luke doubted that the ship would be able to lift off from Docking Bay 94, much less make it halfway across the galaxy. The Falcon 's dilapidated appearance was part of spice smuggler Han Solo 's game plan. The best way to avoid "Imperial entanglements" was to give nosy Imperial Customs inspectors nothing to suspect in the first place. The Falcon appeared to be no different from the thousands of other Corellian Engineering YT light freighters plying the star routes of the Empire. Beneath the Falcon 's battered exterior hides a fast, tough smuggling vessel.

Millennium falcon wiki

Han Solo's ship is one of the most recognizable in the Star Wars universe. Known as the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy, a bucket of bolts, and the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, the Millennium Falcon has a reputation. Han and Chewbacca have made many "special modifications" to the Corellian YT light freighter over the years to maximize its speed and agility.

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In a final game—which both men agreed would be their last rematch over the Falcon —Lando won the ship back again, but, in a public attempt to impress Mara Jade, gave the Falcon back to Han. Rey dismissed the pilot, quipping that he was a difficult man, before hugging Finn, who jokingly joined her in condemning his companion. Tiana's Bayou Adventure. Warrick Watto Mace Windu Yoda. Space was limited in the conduit tunnels leading to the core and the relatively large Falcon lost its sensor dish when it smashed into a bulkhead. Dejarik Sabacc. The escape pod was monogrammed to say "Property of Han Solo". Norra, Temmin, and the prisoners except Chewbacca then used the Falcon to travel back to the New Republic capital of Chandrila. After integrating the memory module of Lando's damaged L3 droid into the ship's navigation, Solo is able to take a "shortcut" [28] which is dangerously close to a black hole. The quad blaster cannons were replaced by light turbolasers. Rey and Chewbacca were able to destroy several First Order TIE fighters, before landing near the location of the remaining Resistance members. As the Rebels scrambled to organize a preemptive attack on the massive Death Star , Solo loaded his reward on board the Falcon and departed the moon. Solo and his ship returned just in time to cover Skywalker in his last-ditch effort to destroy the station and secure the safety of the Rebel Alliance. The Millenium Falcon was an YTf light freigther most famously known ui for its use by the smuggler and Rebel hero Han Solo and his companion Chewbacca. Join us today!

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It's only real weakness was its size, and it took a skilled pilot to fly it correctly through narrow passages. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. It was not quite finished when, in a second game, Han won the ship back. After the planetary shield protecting the second Death Star was destroyed, the Falcon and several Alliance fighters entered the battle station through a conduit port and headed towards the reactor core. Forced to escape in the Falcon from an ambush by parties to whom Solo is heavily in debt, Solo reluctantly agrees to help Rey and Finn return BB-8 to the Resistance. The droid brains were cannibalized from a military-issue R3-series astromech droid , a V-5 transport droid , and a corporate espionage slicer droid. What was left of the ship was interned in an orbital junkyard near the Smuggler's Moon. Powerful sensor jammers also protected the ship in combat. The Falcon was to be used in a Rebel strike at Bilbringi in 9 BBY , but Fargil had second thoughts and pulled out of the operation, taking the Falcon with him. Explore Wikis Community Central.

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