Mexican dog breeds xolo

Ancient peoples believed the breed could protect their homes from evil spirits. They also thought it had healing powers. Because of that hide, which matures during the first year, Xolo mexican dog breeds xolo sometimes get adolescent acne or have the canine equivalent of cradle cap scaly patches on infant scalps. The Tijuana soccer team is named Xoloitzcuintle, with a Xolo as their mascot.

Also known as the Xolo and the Mexican Hairless, this breed is loyal and loving. The Nahuas, a Latin American indigenous group, believed the Xolo guided souls through the underworld. Xoloitzcuintles tend to be healthy dogs. They live a long life of 13—18 years and are happy to spend it with their family, both human and canine. According to the breed club , Xolos come in three sizes:. No matter their size, Xolos have a very distinctive look that developed naturally over the centuries. These hairless dogs from Mexico are mostly naked, but some can have coarse hair on the top of their head, on their feet, and on the tip of their tail.

Mexican dog breeds xolo

And when you find your new pup, tell us a bit more about them to get a discount off one of our puppy ranges and regular personalised puppy advice. Thanks for joining Growing Pup. You'll receive your first expert tips on getting a puppy within the next day, so keep a look out in your inbox! View our Privacy Policy. The Mexican Hairless Dog or Xoloitzcuintle, called the Xolo for short, is a hairless dog with soft skin. Slightly longer than they are tall, with a slim, elegant build, they come in three size varieties and also a haired version which should have a short, tight, flat and smooth coat with no undercoat. Hairless varieties should have a smooth, elastic yet close fitting skin. Some tufts of hair are permitted on the forehead, face and back of the neck. The main health problems encountered in the Mexican Hairless dog are related to their skin, being particularly predisposed to sunburn given the lack of protection from fur. Priority Kennel Club health schemes and testing: None but there are several recommended schemes that the Kennel Club recommends which can be found here. Shy and reserved with strangers, the Mexican Hairless Dog is in fact an intelligent, loving companion with family.

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The Xoloitzcuintli dog breed , also known as the Mexican Hairless or just Xolo, may well have descended from the first dogs to set paw on the North American continent. The Aztecs domesticated these dogs, making them one of only two animals that they domesticated. Despite the intensity of their name, these dogs are loyal and calm. Known for its hairless appearance, though some Xolos do have a coated variety, this breed comes in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard. With a calm and affectionate disposition, Xolos make devoted companions and family pets.

Looking for a constant canine companion who lives and breathes to be by your side? The Xoloitzcuintli pronounced show-lo-eats-QUEENT-lee, or show-lo for short is an ancient dog breed who expects your full attention at all times. FOMO much? This hairless dog breed stands out from the crowd. Xolo dogs will repay your devotion by taking naps with you and snuggling to keep you warm. Did we mention they double up as hot water bottles? Xoloitzcuintli dogs are best for a very devoted pet parent with at least a little dog parenting experience.

Mexican dog breeds xolo

For millennia, dogs have accompanied us pretty much everywhere, from the bush-shaking throes of the hunt to the contemplative crackle of the evening fire. This ancient belief that dogs had the ability to control human access to the afterlife spans continents and cultures. Thanks to Harry Potter, everyone knows about Cerberus, the multi-headed dog of Greek mythology that guarded the gates of Hades. And among the ancient Aztecs of central Mexico, Xolotl, the god of death, was depicted as a canine-headed monster. He in turn lent his name to the Xoloitzcuintli , a dark-colored, elegant dog that was often hairless. Found in three sizes — toy, miniature and standard — this indigenous Mexican dog was said to have been created by Xolotl from a sliver of the Bone of Life from which all humanity sprang. Getting there, however, required navigating nine levels with challenges such as mountains that crashed into each other and winds that blew knives. After a process that could take up to four years, weary souls reached a broad and deep river. Awaiting them on those eternal shores — hopefully — were their Xolos, which, on recognizing their masters, would leap into the water to ferry them across.

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This animated hit show…. First Name. Could have issues with unknown dogs but gets along with known dogs May need additional training to live with other pets May need additional supervision to live with children Needs a small garden Can happily live in the city. Ideal Xolo owners are experienced and able to give plenty of training, active walks, careful socialisation and simple dog grooming combined with specialist skin care. Most dogs need 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Other Xoloitzcuintlis end up in rescue because their owners have divorced or died. Live by the philosophy that a tired dog is a good dog. This breed could easily rule the roost, so proper training is essential. On the other hand, backyard breeders are more interested in making a profit than in producing healthy, well-adjusted dogs. Los Angeles Times. From search and rescue missions to lending a helping paw to those in need, these dogs are superheroes in fur coats.

Xoloitzcuintli, also known as the Mexican hairless or simply as "xolo," are alert dogs and loyal, sporty companions. At over 3, years old, xolos come in three sizes—and some might not be so "hairless" after all. She mostly writes about tech these days, but also covers art, music, books, and travel.

Need some convincing? A Xolo needs protection from the sun and from extremely cold weather. Capable of high levels of dog training if this is done sensitively using positive reinforcement-based methods. This applies not only to larger breeds but also to smaller ones. See Dogs Less Affectionate with Family. The Chihuahua is one of the smallest dog breeds , making it easy to take them anywhere. This record signifies to potential puppy parents and breed enthusiasts that recommended tests have been completed. Do ensure they are protected from the elements both the warm and cold before taking them outside. Exclusive discounts and offers. Of course, be sure to do your research on dog training methods to ensure your dog will listen to you in social settings.

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