metro hobbies

Metro hobbies

Metro Hobbies is one of the largest specialist hobby retail groups in Australia, specialising in plastic model kits, model metro hobbies, slot cars, Gundam models, radio control cars, boats and aircraft, LEGO, hobby tools, paints and supplies. Their goal is to provide customers with amazing customer service and technical knowledge, and with staff all keen hobbyists themselves, metro hobbies, they are proud of being a shop of people who enjoy what they do.

View All Brands. At Metro Hobbies, we believe that fun time is precious. They can be meditative, relaxing, de-stressing. Shared time and interests with loved ones make for meaningful bonding and memories. Hobbies keep you dexterous, and keep that spark alive in your heart and mind. We've even got slot cars, diecast items, LEGO sets, toys and games, and other hobby supplies.

Metro hobbies


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Metro Hobbies has variety of kits that will fulfil your every interest. We are the place to find that new subject to add to your favourite hobby collection. Whether you need model kits surrounding military vehicles, sci-fi, aircraft, helicopters, boats, or car kits - wood or plastic - we have it all. For over 35 years we have been providing Melbourne with their favourite brands, extensive industry knowledge and exceptional customer service. We are one of the leading suppliers for hobbies across Melbourne, for kids and adults alike. We want to ensure that our fellow hobbyists are able to get the gear they need to create the worlds and models that they have wanted to.

Metro hobbies

At Metro Hobbies, we believe that fun time is precious. They can be meditative, relaxing, de-stressing. Shared time and interests with loved ones make for meaningful bonding and memories. Hobbies keep you dexterous, and keep that spark alive in your heart and mind. We've even got slot cars, diecast items, LEGO sets, toys and games, and other hobby supplies.

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Thanks for signing up! Store locations 0 Your cart is currently empty. Enjoy open-air drinks under the setting sun or a starry sky, with city skyline views to match. Hobbies keep you dexterous, and keep that spark alive in your heart and mind. All Gundam Kits. What's New. In Stock. Sign up to What's On weekly Welcome! Freight Packs. From hidden laneway markets to epic pop-ups, Melbourne gets lit once the lights go out. Playing Cards. Independent importer of exclusive anime and video game collectables from Japan and beyond. We believe in providing the highest standards of customer care Light My Bricks. We also keep our online hobby shop up to date for ease and convenience - and ship all over Australia , whether you're in Darwin, Tasmania, Sydney, or Canberra and more -- but we also love seeing customers in Melbourne in-store.


They can be meditative, relaxing, de-stressing. Gundam Decals. Other Grades. After all, we love talking with folks about what they love to do and sharing ways to maximise that enjoyment. Knowledgeable and professional collectables store for all your anime, gunpla and mecha needs. We've even got slot cars, diecast items, LEGO sets, toys and games, and other hobby supplies. Mind Puzzles. Real Grade. Playing Cards. In Stock. Thanks for signing up! We believe in providing the highest standards of customer care At Metro Hobbies, we believe that fun time is precious. Light My Bricks.

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