Metin2 tre

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El juego ya no es gratuito en todas sus versiones. El imperio termina por colapsarse y dividirse en tres reinos al borde del continente. Su leyenda dice que vende espadas para comprar comida real. El mundo se divide en tres reinos. Cada reino posee tres mapas propios conectados por portales.

Metin2 tre


In most cases the attacker has time to use 2 skills before the target can even notice.


One of the most important aspects of the game is character building. Players must choose which skills and attributes to focus on in order to create the perfect character for their playstyle. Metin2 features three main skill trees: Warrior, Sura, and Shaman. Each skill tree has its own unique set of skills and abilities that players can choose from. Warrior: Warriors are known for their strength and endurance. They are the front-line fighters of the game and can take a lot of damage. Warrior skills include sword fighting, shield mastery, and critical hits. In addition to skill trees, players must also choose which attributes to focus on when building their character. The first step is to decide which skill tree you want to focus on.

Metin2 tre

Ninja skills. Shaman skills. Sura skills.

Fondo de cebra

Se representa con una bandera roja. El mundo se divide en tres reinos. Even if you move out of the way, you take all the damage, in most cases you run away and die at some distance. Or put it on Magic Suras weapon as this class had no benefit at all from this "ballancing" 2. Maybe I want 25 hh on my bow too Why don't put 25 HH on bells or fans cause shamans have the lowest skill damage. Datos: Q Se representa con una bandera amarilla. I get it, solving bugs don't gather money, just waste them I just experienced it on my own skin I might say.


It is so widely spread it would mean you have to sanction hundreds of people. Se representa con una bandera amarilla. You use a mount it is widely used the lion Su meta es tomar el control de todo el continente y abatir el creciente poder de las piedras Metin. It would be great if they give us a reply And these bugs are always not the purpose of any beta testing, are always not a priority, are always not critical or important. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv You said you want ballance and start with status, skills and so on, but with each and every change looks like more un-ballance is added to the game, besides those existing bugs that already give advantages to some classes remember the mount attack BUG? Or put it on Magic Suras weapon as this class had no benefit at all from this "ballancing" 2. Este aviso fue puesto el 29 de diciembre de Why don't put 25 HH on bells or fans cause shamans have the lowest skill damage. Ok, if Unforgiven is on it, I'm sure at least this wil be raised to a higher level. El mundo se divide en tres reinos. But that makes more and more people use it.

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