merry christmas video

Merry christmas video

Transform how you sleep — shop 5 Real Simple Sleep Award winners, more sleep essentials. Elton John and Ed Sheeran just released their music video to their new song, "Merry Christmas," and the video is so merry christmas video that I'm wondering why haven't they collaborated sooner? The duo, who both got dressed up in their best Christmas attire, did all the things that families do over the holidays such as have snowball fights, go on sleigh rides, sing happy songs and more, merry christmas video.

The silly video pays homage to classic Christmas music videos, like Wham! Ed Sheeran and Elton John are paying homage to the classic Christmas music videos of old with a silly, feel-good video for their new holiday collaboration "Merry Christmas. The British singers released the charity single on Friday after months of teasing it, and also shared a festive music video made of all things merry and bright. The clip, directed by Jason Koenig, begins at a Christmas party seemingly hosted by Sheeran, 30, and John, 74, who wear matching holiday tracksuits as they entertain their guests. The snowman then takes the "Shivers" singer by the hand and guides him through the air, just like in the "Walking In the Air" segment in the animated film The Snowman. The video continues with more costume changes and party scenes, and also a nod to Wham!

Merry christmas video

Ed Sheeran and Elton John channel the likes of Wham! Would you believe it, but Sir Elton John has never had a Christmas number one , so he has teamed up with someone who has Ed Sheeran to see if he can right that musical wrong. In doing so, Ed and Elton have looked back at various Christmas classics of the past to create a super-fun festive music video for their new duet, 'Merry Christmas'. The song is out now, and is a serious contender for 's festive chart-topper, but which songs does it pay homage to? Elton and Ed first take on a previous duet between a then-young popstar and an ageing icon of music: Bing and Bowie. The current duo use their predecessors' famous video as a backdrop to a party, presumably hosted by the party king, Sir Elton. We're assuming Ed is going all Mariah Carey for this little segment, in which he proudly dances about in a somewhat familiar Santa dress. Ed and Elton hop onto a sleigh, with Ed wearing a very familiar red scarf. Sadly, we didn't see him go full Shakin' Stevens by grabbing a vintage Christmas jumper by the fireplace. Ed is perfectly cast as an adult version of the boy from the classic TV special The Snowman , as he goes walking in the air with an Elton-ified version of the title character. We really love the effort involved here.

If anything, their music video covered all the joys of Christmas in three minutes or less. Transform merry christmas video you sleep — shop 5 Real Simple Sleep Award winners, more sleep essentials.


F or a holiday based on a Biblical event 2, years ago, many Christmas traditions are relatively new. Others are products of wartime, and such rituals have helped bring people together during precarious times. Here, are some of the most surprising stories behind popular Christmas rituals. God save you! Americans without a fireplace can just turn on their TVs at Christmastime and get an hours-long loop of a burning log, often with a soundtrack of Christmas carols. Other TV stations nationwide started creating their own versions in subsequent years. Six decades ago, in Oct.

Merry christmas video

The holiday season definitely lives up to its reputation as the happiest time of the year. From memorable days spent decorating the tree and DIY-ing unique decorations to fun-filled celebrations and cozy cups of cocoa by the fire, there's just something about the month of December that inspires an overflow of joy. It's also the perfect time of year to tell friends and family just how much they mean to you with "Merry Christmas" wishes that express it perfectly. You know what they say in Love, Actually : "If you can't say it at Christmas, when can you, eh? While some may consider holiday cards a thing of the past, we're of the mindset that no Christmas greeting is ever out of place—but sometimes it's hard to put your Christmas wishes into words.

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Ed joins up with Michael McIntyre, Jonathan Ross and Big Narstie we're pretty sure he found them while they were filming a recent episode of The Wheel , and chucked on East 17's legendary white furry hooded coats. Blink and you'll miss them, but The Darkness appear at the end of the video, harking back to their Christmas number two track 'Christmas Time Don't Let the Bells End '. Rachel DeSantis. Unless it's like sleigh bells, ding-dong— yeah, it needs to be a proper Christmas song,'" he said. Create profiles to personalise content. Smooth Playlists. Plus, Sheeran has always made it known that he adores cats, hence his music video "Drunk. The song is out now, and is a serious contender for 's festive chart-topper, but which songs does it pay homage to? Use profiles to select personalised advertising. List of Partners vendors. Yes, very subtle indeed. Share this —. The star later told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that he had some reservations , but eventually gave in. In doing so, Ed and Elton have looked back at various Christmas classics of the past to create a super-fun festive music video for their new duet, 'Merry Christmas'. Entertainment Music.

The silly video pays homage to classic Christmas music videos, like Wham! Ed Sheeran and Elton John are paying homage to the classic Christmas music videos of old with a silly, feel-good video for their new holiday collaboration "Merry Christmas. The British singers released the charity single on Friday after months of teasing it, and also shared a festive music video made of all things merry and bright.

Once a toasted loaf of bread came flying across the screen, it was clear that they were paying homage to a wonderful way that families and friends bond over the holidays. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Joyann Jeffrey. Unless it's like sleigh bells, ding-dong— yeah, it needs to be a proper Christmas song,'" he said. The guys behind the video has really studied the classic Top of the Pops performance of Wizzard's festive favourite, even down to the outfits and hairstyles of each band member. The song is out now, and is a serious contender for 's festive chart-topper, but which songs does it pay homage to? He also flew across the screen with a giant snowman, paying sweet homage to the song "Walking in the Air" that was written for the animated film "The Snowman" based on the classic children's book of the same name. The "Visiting Hours" singer had his toned legs fully on display when John sung his first part in the chorus. If the song wasn't so amazing, then that would have been the best part about the clip. Smooth Podcast Picks.

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