Mcdonalds japan twitter

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It appears McDonald's is working hard to improve the birth rates in Japan. On September 20, McDonald's Japan uploaded the cutest video ad on X: an Anime family eating chicken nuggets and fries. In the second clip, the little girl sits on the dad's lap while the mom sweetly feeds her a french fry. The promo was so effective that it reached American Twitter and garnered over 70 million impressions. Author John A.

Mcdonalds japan twitter


The food chain company wrote, "Black trans women have a very simple message: stop killing us.


In October, Japan dropped all travel restrictions after closing its borders to visitors more than two and a half years as a result of the COVID pandemic. Once I heard the news, my cousin, her boyfriend, and I booked a ticket to arrive at the end of the month. I first visited Japan in and until the pandemic, traveled there quite frequently. Since that first visit, I've spent anywhere between one to three months every year in the country. One of the reasons I love to visit is for the local food.

Mcdonalds japan twitter

Japanese Family McDonald's Ad refers to an animated advertisement for the fast food chain McDonald's in which a family of three is having a McDonald's meal. In late September , the ad achieved popularity on X over its family-positive message, spawning Shinzo Abe vs. Japan's declining birthrate" jokes among other memes. On September 20th, , the official X [1] account for McDonald's Japan posted a second animated advertisement in which a family of three, a father, a mother and their daughter, ate McDonald's takeout. The video shown below garnered over On the same day, the advertisement attracted significant attention on X, with users quoting the posts with jokes, and some posts expressing appreciation for its family-positive message. Starting on the same day, users posted memes referencing the commercial and it message. On September 21s, , X [4] user Bolverk15 quoted the video, commenting, "Billions will be born. More jokes and memes referencing the video went viral on X in the days following the upload as the discourse surrounding it continued. On September 22nd, the official X [5] account for McDonald's Japan posted a second animated ad within the campaign, a second animation of three friends sharing a takeout meal.

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Articalys Member. Feb 13, 1, Why feed the trolls? Right-wingers are mad at imaginary people on the left being mad xD. Nov 14, 10, Am I missing some kind of messaging or imagery or something. McDonald's Japan didn't stop there. How many people out of the 89 million views are actually commenting as the tweet in the OP outlined? It's Twitter. Amalthea Banned.

Those surfing the web for the past couple of weeks may have stumbled across a certain viral GIF of an animated family of three sharing a meal together at the dinner table. Many viewers of the GIF have been taken with its colorful anime styling, its cozy, soothing tone, and its ostensible message of celebrating time with family. As it turns out, this bit of animation isn't from the next big slice-of-life anime of , but from a Japanese ad for McDonald's.

SageShinigami Member. Here are some other very heteronormative pieces from this artist. Why do they always love fighting ghosts. Nov 2, 9, Latest threads. Articalys said:. Of course people are outraged. Nov 3, 6, Oct 25, ClickyCal' said:. Made-up outrage.

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