mastram film

Mastram film

Mastram film is about a reluctant pornographic writer Rajaram a small-town bank clerk who aspires to be a litterateur, is inspired by the anonymous author of popular pulp fiction and sex stories in Hindi.

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Mastram film

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Meet Mastram, the quintessential writer of the 80s who spoke the lingo of the Hindi heartland - literally. The 10 episodes feature stories of passion intertwined with turbulent day-to-day sc Read all Meet Mastram, the quintessential writer of the 80s who spoke the lingo of the Hindi heartland - literally. The 10 episodes feature stories of passion intertwined with turbulent day-to-day scenarios from Mastram's real life. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Mastram transl. The film is about an aspiring litterateur turning into an initially reluctant finally full-fledged pornographic writer, is inspired by the anonymous author of popular pulp fiction and sex stories in Hindi, only known as Mastram. These books sold at railway station stalls and small roadside and pavement shops in North India through the s and 90s. Jaiswal makes his directorial debut with the film. The film premiered at Mumbai Film Festival in October , ahead of its theatrical release on 9 May Rajaram is a small town bank clerk, who dreams of travelling to Delhi and becoming a reputed writer. His literature aspirations are supported by none except his naive wife, Renu. He finally leaves his job to become a full-time writer, but cannot find a publisher for his book. One publisher agrees only if he would add sensational elements or masala to his dull tale. He is unable to decode what masala means until he meets Chacha, an eccentric, old village womanizer who shows him the spicier side of life.

Mastram film

Rajaram is a struggling writer who is branded as boring and is humiliated by the publishers when they tell him that he will never find any readers. A disheartened Rajaram talks to his best friend and decides to write about fantasies people have and his first hit character is born. With this first character and book, another person takes birth in the form of Mastram, the author who brings sultry characters to entertain the common people. Catch Mastram web series first episode online in full HD on MX Player for free and enjoy the erotica mixed with comedy.

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More to explore. Choose your reason below and click on the Submit button. Thanks for subscribing. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. I highly recommend this web series to people who are looking for sleazy or erotic content as well as anybody and everyone. Rishi Kulshreshtha Activist. Leena Sharma Madhu's Mother. Article 3. Top credits Director Akhilesh Jaiswal. Can't find a movie or TV show? Mastram actress in Jimmy Sheirgill's next.

Mastram is a bollywood "fictional biography" film directed by akhilesh jaiswal starring rahul bagga and tara alisha berry.

We don't have permission to access your location. Click here to login or here to sign up. Rahul Terni days ago Gooood. The story is about an aspiring writer who ends up being the anonymous mastermind, only known as Mastram, behind the locally popular porn comics. Article 3. Keyboard Shortcuts. Mahima Gupta's amazing pics in bodycon outfit. Global s focus the search bar. For the web series, see Mastram web series. Erotic with a extremely interesting story line. Featured review. These books sold at railway station stalls and small roadside and pavement shops in North India through the s and 90s. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Accurate city detection helps us serve more contextual content Switch to Location No, Thanks.

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