mask of the searing sky

Mask of the searing sky

Forgot your password? An engine converting Spirit generation into raw damage, the Shenlong's Spirit set absorbs the best of the Monk sets into a build that pummels the enemy with your fists alone.

Forgot your password? Welcome to our Raiment of a Thousand Storms guide, where we tell you all about this Monk set: what the pieces are, how to farm it, how it works, and which builds are using it. The following is a list of all pieces of the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set, along with a sample list of desirable rolls for the respective item. This stat priority listing is meant to show you what is roughly a good roll of a set item; when trying to put together a build, always check our dedicated guide for the best-in-slot stats for the specific playstyle. Please refer to our guide on how to farm legendary and set items to increase your chances of getting Raiment of a Thousand Storms pieces. The Raiment of a Thousand Storms splits its attention between Spirit Generating and Dashing Strike , elevating the damage of both and making them dependent on each other through the 6-piece set bonus.

Mask of the searing sky


Kanai's Cube. Raiment of a Storms Set.


Forgot your password? The Dashing Strike Monk turns the signature mobility skill of Monks, Dashing Strike, into a powerful and agile damage dealer through the power of the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set. Following the nerfs to the 4-piece and 6-piece bonuses in Patch 2. We have removed it from the menus, but we decided to leave it on the website for documentation purposes. This build is presented to you by Deadset , one of the very few professional Diablo 3 players. Deadset regularly publishes video guides on Youtube and streams on Twitch , where you can see how this and other builds play out in practice. The following video guide was created to accompany the present written guide and demonstrate how to play the build in-game.

Mask of the searing sky

This set requires character level 70 to drop, and can only drop at Torment difficulty. All set pieces are restricted to Monks only. Even transmogrification of these items is only available to Monks. The set consists of six pieces. All six are required to complete the set, and all of them are Monk-restricted. The first bonus is multiplicative to other similar modifiers.

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Zunimassa Set. Set Dungeon Guides. TBC Classic. Skill Setup. Efficient Bounties. Poison Scythe Build with Legacy of Dreams high-tier solo group gr-pushing trash-killer. Firebird Set. Firebats Build with Spirit of Arachyr Set low-tier solo gr-pushing speed-farming. Necromancer Season Start. Pestilence Set. Sunwuko Set. Altar of Rites Explained. Sign in anonymously. The 4-piece set bonus turns Dashing Strike adds a Spirit spender aspect to Dashing Strike 's Charge mechanics, offering a charge refund as long as you pay its Spirit price.

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Gargantuan Build with Zunimassa Set low-tier solo gr-pushing speed-farming db-farming. Forgot your password? Thorns Skeletons Build with Legacy of Dreams low-tier solo gr-pushing. TBC Classic. Uliana's Stratagem Set. Spike Traps Build with Natalya top-tier solo gr-pushing speed-gr speed-nr. Wave of Light Build with Legacy of Dreams top-tier solo gr-pushing. New World. Chakram Build with Unhallowed Essence Set low-tier solo gr-pushing speed-farming. Shenlong Raiment Monk Gear and Stats. Diablo II. Cluster Arrow Build with Marauder Set high-tier solo gr-pushing speed-farming.

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